Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > She's A Rebel part 2

chapter 6

by blacknailsgd 0 reviews

just read it

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Published: 2008-06-11 - Updated: 2008-06-12 - 2085 words

Chapter 6

Joel's pov

I know Cassie hasn't been acting herself. Joy has told me that she's afraid ex-bf is after her. I don't know what to do I guess I could my brother. No not Benji he has his hands full with Joy. I was talking about Josh my oldest brother. I picked my cell phone Cassie was taking a nap. Im going outside so I won't wake up Cassie.

"Hello?" My brother!
"Hey Josh its Joel how are you?" I asked.
"I'm good what about you?" He asked me.
"Im good I need some advice?" I asked him.
"About what Joel I done told you where babies come from what do you wanna know?" Josh told me with a little laugh.
"Hahaha your so funny I need some advice on ex-bf's. Cassie has ex looking for her I need some advice?" I said.
"My advice would be to stay away from that Joel. Unless you want this battle I know you have a child on the way. You do not want in some one elses problems I know she's your girl friend but Joel unless she needs your help stay out it I do not want too see your face on America Most wanted?" Josh said giggling.
"Josh thanks i know you have my great interest at heart?" I said smiling.
"You know I do! So how's the other couple doing?" Josh asked me.
"Well you should have been yesterday! Joy brought him over with makeup on his face it was so I almost pissed in my pants. There both great there having twins. Joy is great and Benj is hanging on to save his life." Joel said with laugher from him.
"I better call Benj tell him to pick me up I bet he forgot too?" Josh said looking around the airport to see if he could see him.
"Ok Josh your here ok I'll be there to pick you up?" I said.
"Its all good I see Benj and Joy coming I'll see ya when I get there?" Josh said.
"Ok we'll be here!" I said shutting my phone.

Normal pov

"Josh here we are?" Benji said holding on to Joy's hand.
"I see!" Josh said hugging Benji.
"So you must be Joy Benji has been speaking your praises?" Josh said hugging her.
"All good i hope?" Joy said.
"Yep he says your having twins right?" Josh asked.
"Yea I is?" Joy said.
"Good at least we know he's good for something?" Josh said making her giggle.

At home where all the drama happens.

"Benj I need caffenee where in god's name did you put the pepsi's?" Joy asked.
"Benj just give her the caffenee already if you don't I will. Its not the end of world ok goodness!" Josh said.
"Benji I love you so much give me my fucking caffenee or you won't see me again until after the babies are born?" Joy said looking at him like she was serous.
"OK geez do halfta be so mean to me?" BEnji aasked her.
"Yes if I don't get my caffenee it does!" JOy said walking awway with a pepsi can in her hand.
"Can you believe her after 4 months she gives up like that?" Benji said.
"Benj she's having twins your twins so you better be lucky she's even with you at this point!" Josh said.

Josh saw every1 that he needed to see. He went back to New York so he could work!

(5 months later)

Joy's pov

IM 9 months pregnant I promise when these babies are out im going to give Benjamin Levi Madden so much hell he won't know what to with his self. He's having twins! Im keeping it from Benji cause he'll tell his famliy I haven't told Cassie yet. I'll be happy when Im free.

Cassie's pov

Joel has been taking care of me like a queen I bet Joy is getting the same thing from Benji. IM 9 months pregnant Joel wants me to stay like this I love it but its time to let go. But maybe she will come.

Normal pov

SO like any day Cassie would go to about Joy if she's ok? SHe hasn't spoken to Joy for 2 weeks.

"Hello Joy are you home dear?" Cassie yelled.

She looked around she hasn't found her yet Cassie started to get worried. Cassie went to Benji's room where she found Joy asleep in bed.

"Hey Cassie!" Benji said scaring her out of her shoes.
"Thanks benj if needed a scare I would have made Joel done it. I see she's asleep?" Cassie said.
"Yea I sung her to sleep. She couldn't sleep I was afraid to give her any thing it might hurt the babies." Benji said.
"I understand Benji you know after this is all over she'll be that girl you met at school. Benj she's going through this for you and her self. Its crazy too think she's having a baby to having twins." Cassie said.
"True I didn't know if this day would come where we would have children but we are ilove her so much." Benji said.
"She loves you so much Benjamin trust me." Cassie said.

"Cassie what are you doing?" Benji asked.
"Trying to be nice?" Cassie said pushing on the wall.
"I understand, but you given me the mean face? Wrong twin dear." Benji said.
"Yea i know sorry Benny! I should be getting home Joel will be home?" Cassie said.
"Cassie dear where are you?" Joel asked.
"There you are what are you doing in my brother's bedroom?" Joel asked.
"Well I came to see if Joy needed company but she's asleep!" Cassie told him.
"Well it doesn't matter now cause I'm awake dear!" Joy told them.
"Hey baby you need some help?" Benji asked she stuck her hand out he grabed it pulled her up.
"Hey Cassie I have two babies that I want out! Sorry I'm not myself but I have to admit I feel good." Joy said walking away.

Joy's pov

I don't know I just want my babies out. I love them I do but I don't wanna be pregnant. I hope they see me taking diet pills again. I haven't sense I knew I was pregnant. But there temping those. I love being with Benji he's my man I love him so.

"Joy are you ok?" Joel asked me.
"Yea I'm fine why Joel?" I asked back.
"I don't know you and Cassie haven't been yourselfs in a week?" Joel told me.
"Maybe you should keep your thing away from her. You won't have a problem now will you?" I said getting mad. Joel walk away from me.

Another minute Benji came up to me "Joy what did you say to Joel that made him leave?" Benji said.
"I told him he should keep his thing in his pants?" I said to Benji.
"Joy I love you but dear he has a right to do what he wants? Dear come on you didn't get any rest last night so come on you have been crably today." Benji said laying right beside of her holding her hand.
"Omg Benji Cayln's right i don't know how to with babies. I shouldn't be here I should tell Joel I'm sorry." I said.

Joel's pov

There pregnant Joel Joy just off you cause she's pregnant. I know she wouldn't have said that too you. Cassie is in bed right now I went over there.

"Joel she didn't mean what she said she's upset twins are moving is all." Cassie said.

Joy called say she was sorry for what she said. Which made me happy. So any ways the girls went to the doctor. Doctor decided he would put them in!

Normal pov

Benji is greatful to the doctor for putting Joy in. He would like to have his girl back before he gets throw back into singles department. They have got her wired up and ready to go I think Cassie is going to be in here too until they have the babies.

Joel is happy too that she will be her self soon then later.

Cassie's pov

Im in the deliver room Joel will be in a minute I'm so scared of all this. This is new I hope they give me something? I don't wanna be alone right now I see Joel coming in I asked him if told his brother he said yes.

Joy's pov

I guess Cassie is having her baby I'm so happy for her. Benji called his family they were at hotel when he called. There on there way I bet Joel is excited about his liittle girl. Josh is the coolest person ever gave me a back rub. Benji was holding my hand I fell asleep. SO like an hour Cassie and my self had our babies. I have two twin boys.

"Baby what do think we should name them?" He asked me.
"Joel Levi & James Lucas Madden." I said.
"Thats cool sweetie!" Benji said.

Doctor came in "Joy have you been on diet pills for the last 2 days of your pregnancy?" he asked.
"Yea!" I said Benji looked at me like what the hell were you thinking.
"Doctor does it hurt babies?" I asked.
"No not sense you took them two days ago. You need to stop ok im serous Joy you need too stop harmming yourself and others too." Doctor said leaving.

Deano came by too see his nephews. Cassie is the room which made sure every1 left so she went to see Joy! She couldn't find her so she though why Joy was in bathroom!

Cayln's pov

Yes I totally miss my best friend Joy. She has babies today she called to let us know. I don't wanna be around them I can't stand way they cry! All I have is Billy now I can't go back to be friends with her. Cause she has Cassie I'm sorry but I want my best friend back. I miss her so much. They have there on lives now, Billy wanted too be mine well now he does now. I hope everything gets better between us.

After so many months

Benji's pov

I don't think im ever been so proud of Joy. But I'm not proud of the fact she took diet pills. But I love her! She had my kids, she's resting im taking care of Joel and James cause she needs the sleep Joel is coming over to see his nephews both of them he's bringing Savannah May Madden and Cassie to see mine and Joy's twins. I'm so excited Josh is coming back to see them to day. He's uncle too! Aunt Sarah and Grandmother couldn't be here. Theres a knock on my front door so I go to see who it is its Joel and Cassie with Savannah!

"Hey Joel and Cassie, hey Savannah come on in make yours at home. I'll go see if she's up?" I said going up the stairs to my room.

There she is holding Joel and is sleeping in his crib. So I didn't get him out, I saw his eyes open then I got him up. "Hey sweetie I love you!" I said to my son.

We walked down the stairs to see Joel, Cassie and Savannah in my living room.

"Hey Joy how are you?" Joel asked her.
"Fine you I'm happy this time." Joy said.
"Good Joy Im happy for you!" Joel said.
"Is this Savannah?" Joy asked.
"Yes Joy this is her." Joel said.
"Hey Savannah sup?" Joy asked while holding Joel in her arms.
"Can I hold Joel?" Joel asked.
"Yea sure!" Joy said giving him Joel.
"We should give him a nickname." I said thinking.
"Yea I got one Levi it will you 2!" Cassie said looking at Levi.
"Hey Levi are you going to be Joel's buddy!" Joel said holding his nephew.
"Hey Savannah anna sup girl?" I said getting Savannah. I put James in a swing chair, I looked over at him he fell asleep.
"You wanna stay for dinner?" I asked them.
"Yea I'm up for it what about you Joel?" Cassie asked him.
"Yea if you guys are?" Joel asked us.
"Yes we be glad to have you guys!" Joy said.

They had dinner with all there kids! Joy isn't herself but this time she didn't go back to the diet pills. Joy went back to cutting! Will they catch her in time?

please reveiw!

love ya
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