Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're Running Out Of Places To Hide From Me

Chapter 5 - Who Exactly Are You?

by Christiexox 1 review

Ummm, let me see, a summary... Hey, that rhymed.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-06-17 - Updated: 2008-06-17 - 858 words

Gerard woke up in pain and found himself shaking uncontrollably. After taking time to steady himself, he opened his eyes to find himself laying in a bed with soft, perfectly white sheets. Looking around the room, he saw the room was lit by a small light in the corner of the room and that the walls were white, too. He also noticed there was no window.
“Where am I?” he whispered to himself.
“I can answer that.” He looked over to a doorway where a young woman stood with a tight lipped smile.
He felt something wasn’t right, but was too confused to think more of it.
“You’re quite a handsome one, aren’t you?” she said. Uncomfortable, he shifted a little on the mattress. She walked closer to him, then stopped and eyed him curiously.
“You won’t try to run from me, will you? Because that would suck for you.” Feeling scared, he slowly got off the bed and backed away from the woman.
“Who are you?” Gerard managed to get out. She grinned, opening her mouth to reveal her fangs. The night before fell on him with full impact. Staring horrified at the vampire, he saw the horrible amused look in her eyes.
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt… a lot.”


She awoke in her bed with a heavy sweat. She looked around her. Remembering last night, she recomposed herself. She looked down at her right arm. There was a big gash there from where the bone tore through, but it was healing fast enough. It would be nothing more than a pink scar by the next morning and by that night, no one would have ever known she had an injury. Same as always. Disliking what complaints and fights lay ahead because of what had happened, she gave a heavy sigh and got out of bed. After dressing into a long, gentle flowing grey dress, she opened her chamber’s doors. Glad that there was no one in sight, she walked into the hallway. She sensed something amiss. Traveling down the dark hallways she found herself at a door. Looking through it she spotted him in a corner, cowering away from a servant.

Exhaling loudly, she looked distastefully at the young woman. “Stop trying to scare him, Melinda. This is the final time I’m going to warn you about scaring and annoying the whole damned world. You’ve annoyed me almost beyond words since you‘ve come here. Get out of my sight before I decide to do something I won’t regret.” The servant swallowed loudly, nodding her head and curtsying a little before scurrying out of the room.
The Queen turned and closed the door gently before turning back around to look at the man huddled in the corner staring horrified at her.
“You should know by now I’m not about to slit your throat. Relax.” She walked over to sit on the edge of the bed facing him. She eyed the room for the first time, and realized how the room was all white. She cringed at the sight.
“I’m sorry about the room. I was unconscious when they decided where to put you. They think since you
are human you sleep in light places. As you can probably tell, they lack knowledge of your race.” He stared at her questioningly. He was about to ask what she meant by that when he saw the giant gash that was healing on her right shoulder.
Seeing him eyeing it, she chuckled softly. “Don’t worry. It will heal soon. Please, don’t wander the streets randomly in the middle of the night. I might not be there to save you next time.”
“Who exactly… are you?” he whispered.
She looked him straight in the eye. “Do you believe in vampires, Mr. Way? You should. That belief alone might just save your life.” Standing once again, she made her way over to the door.
“W-wait,” he managed to get out. She turned around and arched an eyebrow at him, silently waiting for him to speak.
“When will I be able to leave?” The silence was deafening. She finally turned once again towards the door, opening it.
“Soon,” she said softly. “When we know you’re well enough, you may leave. Until then, you are free to roam the halls. It is daytime, so most are asleep. I‘ll make sure that no one is to harm you. Feel obliged to visit the kitchen, five doors down the hall to your right. If you travel downstairs, and you will more than surely wish you hadn‘t. Good day, Gerard,” she said before leaving the room.
He leaned back in the corner, not as scared anymore. He felt somewhat happy. Joyful, even, that he got to see her again. He had forgotten how beautiful she really was.
Suddenly, she was back in the room.
“Please, guard your thoughts. Images of me are all over the place. It’s disturbing others of their rest.” Smirking, she left once again.

A/N: Sooo? What do you think? Reviews would be lovely. =3
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