Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Baby, You're a Caricature of Intiamacy

...."OH NO!!!!" Panic is Out of Food, What's a Band to do?

by darkearthmagic 2 reviews

Outta food?! How could that be. PATD enters a Walmart.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-06-18 - Updated: 2008-06-18 - 719 words

A.N./ So... Here it is, part 3. Yay!! I'm so happy that so many people have put in ratings. :) It makes the authoress happy, and like I've said before, you make the authoress happy...She writes. So, here it is ladies and gentleman, Part 3! Keep on reviewing, and I'll keep writing. :)

Part-3-........"OH NO!!!!!" Panic is foodless. :(

As it turned out to be, I became a roadie for Panic! At The Disco. Brendon even got the bus driver to stop by my aunt and uncles place so I could grab some clothes. The neighboors gave me funny looks as I climbed onto the large unmarked bus but I couldn't give a damn what anyone thought. I was now living in a bus full of hot men, not to mention musicians. ;-)
I was the 'special roadie' as Jon called it, and I lived in the room where Jessica Alba had one resided in, so I guess I should be flattered....But in all reality, 'special roadie' wasn't what I had expected at all.

It was about 10:30 at night and we were traveling south. The boys were all in the living area playing video games on the Wii. I however, had slipped into the bathroom just off of my bedroom to take a shower. I smelled like a man. Since ditzy here forgot to pack necessary things like bodywash and deoderant, I was reduced to using Axe snakeskin body wash. Spencer had been kind enough to give me an Axe bullet in the way of deoderant untill we could stop and resupply.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off and changed into the few clean clothes I had retrieved from my aunt and uncle's house. Which consisted of my faded PATD short sleeved hoodie (go fig.) and black skinny jean and my Converse All Stars. Now, you might be thinking that I would be dressing into my pajamas at 10:30 at night, but in this bus sleep patterns are erratic. I had learned this in the two days of living on the bus. We slept whenever and wherever we wanted.

I stepped out of the bathroom and walked to the living area. Brendon was on the large black recliner he always sat on, and Jon was asleep on the leather sectional with a bit of drool collecting in the corners of his mouth. Ryan and Spencer were standing in front of the HD digital TV playing some sort of racing game on the Wii.

Brendon saw me enter the ares and beckoned me to come over to him. He was quietly laughing at Ryan. He pointed at the TV, "Look at him..He sucks!"

I looked over to Ryans car on the TV. Brendon was right, Ryan's car was somehow stuck in a ditch. I started laughing quietly with Brendon as we watched Spencer lap Ryan again and again. Then Brendon slowly got up and walked over to the refridgerator.

"OH NO!!!!!!!!!!" Brendon gasped.

We all looked at Brendon with questioning looks on our faces.

"We're all out of coke, vault, ramen....EVERYTHING!" He exclaimed. He then shut the door to the frige and crouched down.

"Walmart stop boys?" the driver asked

Brendon and the others sighe and told the driver yes.

"Welcome to Walmart." the greeter named Dot smiled widely, at almost 11:00 at night for anyone to be smiling that much they either had to be on drugs, on sugar, or all of the above.

"Whew, its good that not many people shop here at night." Jon said as we entered the store.

"Yeah, or we'd be screwed." Ryan said while messing with his side bangs.

"Hey, guys wanna have some REAL fun in Wally World?" Brendon asked. I looked at him curiously.

"What do you mean about 'fun'?" I asked.

Brendon then reached into his back jean pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. "One hundred and one things to do at Walmart...Are you in?"

I nodded, I was in. I mean, how much trouble could you get in at Walmart?"

A.N./ Sorry its so short...I don't have much time befor me and my boyfriend go to Walmart. (For real! Ironic, huh?) So, I'll write the rest when I get back from the wonders of Wally World. Review!! Thankies!~darkearthmagic :)
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