Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Baby, You're a Caricature of Intiamacy

Welcome To The Sound of a Pretty. Odd. Tour Bus

by darkearthmagic 1 review

Anne wakes up. She has an interesting...encounter with...Jessica Alba and Spencer?! Guess you'll have to read to find out what the heck is going on, now won't you?

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2008-06-17 - Updated: 2008-06-17 - 919 words

A.N./ I would like to state that I do not own Panic! At The Disco nor their songs.....But I DO own this fan fic and these ideas. So, don't be a thief. :) Oh, and in a way I own Brendon Urie...He's in chains...on my bed..with duct And his yummy Brendon-ness is mine! XD

Part-2- Welcome To The Sound of a Pretty. Odd. Tour Bus

"Oh my god! You're Brendon Urie!" I gasped as I came-to.

"The one and only." Brendon grinned back at me.

I rubbed my eyes just to make sure that Brendon wasn't a dream. He wasn't. I ran a hand thru my matted hair and made a face.

"What happened?" I asked, "Well I know what HAPPENED, but how did I get here..." I trailed off and looked around the barren room, "And where exactly am I?"

Brendon exhaled deeply, as if he was just waiting for me to ask those very questions. "One of the clubs sound techs heard your yells for help and she found you passed out in the alleyway." Brendon kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he explained, "She ran back to the club to get the manager. We were about to board the bus, but Jon heard the recus and went back to find out what was going on. Spencer, Ry and I all chilled in the bus while we waited for Jon to come back. Heh, and sure enough, Jon brought you back in his arms. We then took your purse so we could see your ID so we knew we weren't taking in some psychopath." Brendon noticed the look I gave him following the remark about my ID and my purse, "Don't worry, we didn't take anything. There was only one 20, right?"

I nodded, and Brendon went on.

"We then laid you back here and Ryan had to ask a roadie for some clothes you could borrow....He didn't like that much."

I laughed, the thought of Ryan Ross going around asking for woman's clothing was pretty funny in my mind.

"And you've been out for almost 5 hours." Brendon ended.

I sighed and looked up to the sky, ur..rather, ceiling...and rather...Jessica Alba. "Um, I take it, most of your guests are male?" I asked

Brendon gave me a weird look and looked up to the ceiling and made a face, "Oh, jesus..SPENCER! Get your ass back here and get Jessica Alba out of here!!" Brendon stood up on the bed and ripped the Jessica Alba poster off the stucco ceiling in disgust.

Spencer opened the door, walked over to Brendon, redfaced and grabbed Miss Alba out of Brendon's hands. Spencer looked at me for a moment and then ran out of the room.

"Wow." That's all I had to say. I really didn't want to know what Spencer did back here with Jessica. I shook that thought out of my head.

"Welcome to the offical tour bus of Panic! At The Disco." Brendon said with a sigh."Ignore the insane antics of the others because I am the only 'normal' one here." Brendon cautiously sat on the foot of the bed. "You need to get back home...Where to?" Brendon asked.

I pulled the blankets to me, "I'm living at my aunt and uncle's house over the summer, I'm not from around here. Plus, they won't be home until late July...They're backpacking across Europe."

Brendon gave me a sympathetic look, "You need to clean up and get into new clothes....HEY RYAN!!!!"

Ryan peered thru the door and gave me a dark glare, "What Brendon?"


Ryan thru a Hot Topic bag onto the bed, and left the room. Brendon made a face behind his back as he left.

"Sorry about Ryan..Like I said, he wasn't too thrilled about getting those clothes off some roadie."

I shrugged.

Soon, I had taken a shower and had dressed into the new pair of clothes some very generous roadie let me borrow. I slipped back into the guest bed. I felt sick and dirty. No amount of water and borrowed Axe body wash could fix the sort of dirtyness I felt. I cuddled the pillow and cried myself to sleep.

~Brendon's POV~
"She's a cute girl. She's quiet, but under the circumstances..."

"The kid has a house to herself half the summer? Her aunt and uncle are either very stupid or she's very respocable." Jon said as he grabbed a coke out of the fridge. "Anyone else?"

"Hook me up." Ryan said from the black leather sectional. Jon threw one to Ryan and Ryan caught it gracefully. "Well, what are we supposed to do about Sleeping Beauty?"

I jumped into the recliner and sighed, "I don't know guys...I feel bad for her."

"Roadie?" Spencer suggested, "We can always use more of those." He looked to the rest of us for approval. I nodded and so did the other two.

"Fine." I said, "But Rayne stays on OUR bus. Its a bit drastic to just put her with all the other roadies right after she's been......raped."

The others all agreed.

"Good. All we have to do now is.....Ask Rayne.

A.N./ Thank you Harvmoon for being the first person to review this. :) It makes me happy. I am excited to announce that the next part will be better and more awesome. Yay, me. :) :) Btw- Brendon and his Brendon-ness is MINE!!!! XD
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