Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > drunk and telling the truth

truth exposed and caught

by MCRfanLOVESgerard 0 reviews

gerard and frank tell each other the truth and mikey walks in.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-06-18 - Updated: 2008-06-18 - 219 words

“Gerard there’s something I’ve wanted to tell for a long time but not known how to. Right now my brain is saying fuck it and tell him”

“There has been something I’ve wanted to tell you too but I’m not sure whether to show you or tell you. What do you think i should do?”

“oooooooh I don’t know but let me choose” Frankie giggled

“What have you chosen?”

“Show me then I get to show you what i wanted to tell you”
“Deal” Gerard said holding out his hand. Frank took his hand and shook it. “so here goes”

Gerard leant in towards frank and kissed him. After a few moments frank kissed back. There kiss was getting more and more passionate then frank let out a loud moan.

There was footsteps coming down the stairs and Mikey walked in. The first thing he saw was Gerard lying on top of frank kissing him and frank kissing back.

“OH MY GOD, GERARD, FRANK. I came down to see what all the noise was and you’re practically fucking each other. I’m happy for you and all but my eyes will never be the same again. Are you two even listening?”

“Mikey, how long have you been there and were you saying something?”
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