Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When are you gonna realize ive grown up?

Why remember its just going to hurt..

by Bearkat 4 reviews

Kali wakes up to voices and the night before running through her mind.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-06-17 - Updated: 2008-06-20 - 745 words

Please comment and let me know what yall think if i dont get any comments i wont continue the story love ya'll

“ Is she dead?” I heard a voice ask as I suddenly awoke to a very huge headache that made me feel ill.

“No she didn’t get in until 4 this morning and she was so drunk and high I don’t even know how she made it up here to her room” another voice replyed to the first.

“Will you shut up and leave me alone.” I mumbled into my pillow.

“Well wake up mom and dad is going to be home soon and we need to clean the house up.” Replyed the second voice which I recongnized to be my brother Franks.

“Let me sleep alittle longer my head is killing me…” as soon as I said that images came flashing through my mind of the night before.

I was sitting on the mall bench with my friends Sarah and Bella. Then I saw them. My boyfriend and the skank from school,Ashley.They were holding hands and kissing. I couldn’t even move I was in complete shock I didn’t even know what to do if I should cry or go kick their asses. I ended up crying but not before saying bye to my friends who had no clue what was going on and getting in my car. After crying for what seemed like forever I heard a knock on my window looking up it was Gerard my brothers bandmate and best friend. He motioned for me to roll down my window. “Kali, are you ok?Whats wrong?”I could hear the concern in his voice.”Its nothing Gee,really im just alittle upset is all ill be fine.”as I said that I tried so hard to give him a fake smile but he saw right through it.”kali please don’t lie to me I know somethings wrong so you might as well tell me or I wont leave you alone.”He replyed with a smirk. “Im fine just stressed bout school and Franks been annoying me a lot lately but im fine I just needed to blow off some steam.” There I go lieing again why was I doing that?Soon enough he gave up when he got a phone call from his girlfriend, Sammi. After that I headed to the one place I knew I would feel better at,my friend Hunters house. He always had something to help usually in the form of alcohol and drugs. I ended getting drunk and high off my ass. I don’t even remember how I got home.

“Kali?Kali?are you ok? Kali?” I looked up to see Frank standing over me and gerard next to him with what almost looked like a hurt expression on his face.

“yeah im fine I was just thinking” I replied hoping they wouldn’t ask what about.

“well get up and get dressed we need to clean and plus the rest of the guys will be here soon for practice.” Frank said as he headed out the door.

As I started undressing I heard a cough from behind me.Oh shit gerard hadnt left yet. I slowly turned around to gerard blushing and handing me my pants.

“Gee what are you still doing in here?!”

“Kali why did you lie to me yesterday? I asked you what was wrong but you said nothing but clearly theres something wrong for you to go get messed up last night so why?Why did you lie?” He asked with a hurt expression on his face.

“Gee look im sorry but I didn’t want to talk bout it so I went and handled it the easy way look im sorry ok. Can you hand me my shirt behind you?” I asked as I spotted it behind him sittting on my dresser.

“ Kali you know I care bout you and I hate to see you hurting. Please don’t do this talk to me.” He asked as he looked at me pleadingly.

“Gerard apparently you don’t care enough your not with me your with sammi after last summer I confessed my love to you so you know what just get the hell out of my room and don’t fucking talk to me again!” I replied with anger as I pushed him out of my room and slammed the door in his face.
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