Categories > Anime/Manga > Bleach
Oh My Gigai!
11 reviews[IchiRuki] Ichigo, who fell victim to the after effects of spiked punch, is left with Rukia's gigai... and a thousand angry pink petals. My first Bleach fic. Lime and Lemon somewhere!
Oh My Gigai!
(#) kawamuraken 2008-06-19
YOUR first Bleach fic or your _FIRST STOLEN BLEACH FIC_? How _DARE_ you steal Xairylle's work. _TAKE IT DOWN NOW_. "Oh My Gigai!" belongs to its rightful goddess, which is _DEFINITELY NOT YOU_!!!!!!!!Oh My Gigai!
(#) xairylle 2008-06-19
YOUR fic, huh? Since when did YOU become ME? Last time I checked, I'm UCHIHA XAIRYLLE and not some fic-thief named "RHAINE". I don't remember sharing the Trilogy either. It's NOT a collaboration fic. I do collabs but OH MY GIGAI IS MINE. TAKE IT DOWN NOW. It's NOT yours. Even the freakin' author's NOTES are not wholly yours and for the love of all that is SANE, I don't TALK like that when on literary stuff! PLEASE!
Oh, and TWO chapters at once? What, you want to name yourself "God of stolen flash updates"?? Who the do you think you are to begin with?
Don't tarnish my fic with this freakish stuff! You're a disgrace to all authors around the world!
I'll say it again: TAKE THIS FIC DOWN NOW AND I MEAN IT!Oh My Gigai!
(#) xxchippyxx 2008-06-19
YOUR FIC HUH?? well I can say that your not the original writer of this stop stealing others work and idea of others your just showing that you dont have a talent in writing youre just good at stealing others work rhaine just TAKE THIS FIC DOWN A.S.A.P I know the original writer of thisOh My Gigai!
(#) Kohryu 2008-06-19
Yare yare ne, stealing from others is a bad thing ne. Didnt your mother teach you that. Guess not ne.
Xairylle(nee-sama) Her story that you stole ne, was put up before you ne. And because of that, its hers, and besides, all her fans that have read it...know its hers. Tch, foolish Kuso-no-baka.Oh My Gigai!
(#) sakurafuyu 2008-06-19
have you no SHAME???
have you no CONSCIENCE???
how could you so cold bloodedly copy paste this and CLAIM that it is your FIRST FAN FICT???
i know the original writer of this personally and its obviously NOT you!!!
if you RESPECT yourself even just a little, take this fic down immediately. DON'T STEAL THE WORK OF OTHERS AND CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN.Oh My Gigai!
(#) ithio 2008-06-20
Don't steal other ppl's work Rhaine. It's disgusting and retarded, you're about as fucking sad as could possibly be. It's sad how you have such a small amount of talent that the best you can do is steal someone else's fanfic.
IthioOh My Gigai!
(#) Shade13 2008-06-21
This is probably one of the greatest fics ever. Just a couple of MAJOR problems. First this ain't your fic!!! Second stop claiming it yours!!! Third stop stealing others people's work!!! Fourth people can read the complete story. Along with it's numerous beautifuly written sequals at the real author's webpage. The real author being Uchiha Xairylle and certainanly not you. So do use all a favor stop stealing fics and take it down. You obviously don't know how hard it is to write a story since what you did was CUT and PASTE!!!!Oh My Gigai!
(#) Shade13 2008-06-21
This is probably one of the greatest fics ever. Just a couple of MAJOR problems. First this ain't your fic!!! Second stop claiming it yours!!! Third stop stealing others people's work!!! Fourth people can read the complete story. Along with it's numerous beautifuly written sequals at the real author's webpage. The real author being Uchiha Xairylle and certainanly not you. So do use all a favor stop stealing fics and take it down. You obviously don't know how hard it is to write a story since what you did was CUT and PASTE!!!!Oh My Gigai!
(#) Believing_Is_Seeing 2008-07-07
How can you keep posting a story you stole?! put in your profile
"Make sure you are you and not pretending to be someone else"
How can you say that when you are pretending to be Uchiha Xairylle who is the very amazing soul who originally wrote this!
You are disgusting if you think you can get away with this!Oh My Gigai!
(#) Iamdeathberry 2008-08-05
Both of you suck, pearlhime!
Hime! tch. Anyway's crappy name.
Maybe you are also a fanfic stealer. You guys have no originalities and you don't deserve to be a BLEACH fan. Nor and IchiRuki fan. If Xairylle was a member of IchiRuki FC, you guys are in deep shit and they'll go bankai on your asses!
I also write fics and anyone cares if someone steal their own work especially the fans are greatly affected by it.
Why did you say this is much better? She just copy-pasted it...
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