Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot

Chapter 18

by another_disaster 2 reviews

Josh moved

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-06-22 - Updated: 2008-06-22 - 750 words

January 21, 2005.
Posted to: KissMyBass

Frank, Bob and I went on an incredible journey this afternoon. You see, there’s a train station near Bob and Frank’s houses, about four blocks away. On the main road, right before the station, there are a ton of fast food places that we regularly eat at (because we’re fatties). We stopped off at Burger King to get some fries and sodas, then headed over to the parking lot beneath the train station–since it’s on a platform. We began to roam around a bit and found this little gated-off passageway that led into a wooded area. The space between the gate doors was pretty wide, though chained off. We ducked and squeezed through the opening, finding a dingy path. We started to walk up it, since it goes uphill. There’s a LOT of brush and sharp, jagged branches that line the path that just LOVE to tear into me as I walk up. I went first, followed by Frank, and Bob went last, since he’s a baby and clung onto Frank’s jacket. My favourite was when he started to slip and he let out this huge scream. After a few yards, we were at the top. There’s a slight ledge that’s entirely filled by pebbles next to the railroad tracks. It was incredible. The view on the world below was fantastic. We could see the parkway next to us, the parking lot below, the highway after that, and several stores behind the highway. The woods directly beneath us didn’t seem as menacing as when we first entered. Remarkable, really, except for Bob’s incessant screaming. We’ve decided to make that our official hang out spot from now on.

I wonder what it looks like at night, or early in the morning.
Comment(s): 5
Sing4Absolution: I wish I could have been up there with you guys. It sounds fantastic!
--KissMyBass: We’ll bring you up one time. It was almost as spectacular as last nights special on WWI weaponry and ammunition. Did you see it?
---Sing4Absolution: I did! It was great. I’m asking my mom to buy it for me from the History Channel website.
----LittleDrummerBoy: U GUYZ R GAYX0RZ.
-----GuitarHero: I’m going to have to agree.


January 23, 2005.
Posted to: GuitarHero

My mom and I had a nice reminiscing day. We were talking about when Aiden was little(r) and had sea monkeys as pets. Oh man, there was the one occasion when they were, um, fucking. The sea moneys were fucking. Aiden didn’t know what was going on and kept complaining that they were jumping on each other and that some of them had “little thingies hanging off the bottom of them”. I remember just about DYING from laughter because Aiden is seriously such a n00b.

Gee, you tell Mikey that he can just keep him. Don’t give him back ever. Same goes for Russel. You know, I don’t even know why my mother bothers to keep that one around. He’s pretty much a waste of space and food. And believe you me, that food could be fed to better, more beautiful people–like me.

Sing4Absolution: What are you talking about!? Russel’s such a little cutie. But okay; I’ll pass along the message to Mikey for you. I’m sure he’d love a playmate/husband thing.
--GuitarHero: You are obviously blind.


January 24, 2005.
Posted to: Sing4Absolution

Um. Okay, so I kind of noticed that Josh hasn’t been around lately. At all. I mean, I think he’s actually gone missing. I considered putting out a search warrant for him, but I figured that maybe his parents already have. I haven’t seen him in SEVERAL days and I’m almost worried. Almost. It’s not that I hate him, per se. I just don’t like him either. Well, anyway, I just hope he’s not dead. I’ll detest having to do that whole ‘Oh, I’m sorry your kid is six feet under” shpiel to his parents.

LittleDrummerBoy: Yeah, come to think of it, I haven’t seen him either. Huh. Oh well.
KissMyBass: He moved to South Carolina two weeks ago. I thought you guys knew!
--GuitarHero: Did he really!? How did I not notice? He lives across the street from me. I’m dumbfounded.
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