Categories > Original > Fantasy > Meeting Him
Chapter 2
The next morning when I got up I just then realized what could have happened last night if it hadn’t been for Alexander Wheeler. Just the thought of it terrified me.
Things like that just doesn’t happen our little town. No one has been kidnapped, there has been no murders Orangeville is the safest town that exists. The last arrest that was made by the police, who consist of a sheriff and 2 officers, was a break of curfew 3 months ago. And even that was just the kids being taken into custody by the police and being given back to their parents.
Why is the person who gets attacked me. And what’s with Alexander what was he doing wandering around the town at the middle of the night? He left forever before that man attacked me, maybe I shouldn’t have been so trusting of him, who knows what he was doing out there.
“Arabella! Breakfast!” I heard my aunt yell from downstairs.
“Coming,” I yelled back.
I get up and get dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of running shorts. I planned on going running after breakfast.
My aunt made pancakes and eggs for breakfast I ate quickly.
“Auntie, I’m going to go running,” I told her.
“Okay,” She replied, “Just make sure that your home by dinner.”
I smiled at her; she knew how I got side tracked when I ran. I usually was gone all day, because I run in the woods behind our town and really love it in there.
I started my run in town but made my way into the forest.
I was resting on a tree stump and felt a hand touch my shoulder. I let out a scream and jumped up. I turned around and I saw Alexander Wheeler standing there our at least trying to seeing as he was doubled over laughing.
But I’m allowed to be jumpy so he’s not allowed to laugh. Besides what is he doing here, stalking me?
“Why are you laughing,” I asked him sternly.
“You should have seen the look on your face Ara.”
I liked the extremely polite Alexander not the one that laughed at other people.
“It’s Arabella.”
“So, Ara, what are you doing all alone in the woods, I thought last night would have taught you something.”
“Well Zander, maybe I’m trying to forget that ever happened,”
“I don’t know why, aren’t you suppose to learn from your mistakes or some thing.” Zander pointed out.
“Well not this one.”
“So… what are you doing out in the woods all alone.”
“I was running.” I explained.
“It didn’t look like you were running. It looked like you were sitting.”
“I was resting.”
“Can I join you on your run?”
“If I say no will you listen to me?”
“So I guess I don’t have a chose.”
“Not really.”
“Whatever, what?”
“Whatever you can come with me,” I sighed.
He grinned.
Ten minutes later and I was out of breath. Zander ran not jogged but ran at a breakneck speed and hadn’t even broken a sweat. I came to the conclusion that he must not be human he’s probably an alien from Mars or something. How else can he be so hott and athletic and plain amazing?
“Here let’s stop for a second I need to… tie my shoe.”
“Hey your not tired already are you Ara?” I glared at him.
“No of course not I just need to tie my shoe.”
“Yeah right.” Zander rolled his eyes and looked at my lace less shoes
“Yeah right.” I told him, It became quite but not an uncomfortable one, but I heard something, “Hey, Zander do you here that?”
“The water. We should go and find it.”
“Are you sure, I mean what if we get lost?”
“What are you talking about I know these woods like the back of my hand.” I had been living here for 2 years compared to his 3 days.
“Okay if you’re sure,”
“Yeah lets go.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the water.
The next morning when I got up I just then realized what could have happened last night if it hadn’t been for Alexander Wheeler. Just the thought of it terrified me.
Things like that just doesn’t happen our little town. No one has been kidnapped, there has been no murders Orangeville is the safest town that exists. The last arrest that was made by the police, who consist of a sheriff and 2 officers, was a break of curfew 3 months ago. And even that was just the kids being taken into custody by the police and being given back to their parents.
Why is the person who gets attacked me. And what’s with Alexander what was he doing wandering around the town at the middle of the night? He left forever before that man attacked me, maybe I shouldn’t have been so trusting of him, who knows what he was doing out there.
“Arabella! Breakfast!” I heard my aunt yell from downstairs.
“Coming,” I yelled back.
I get up and get dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of running shorts. I planned on going running after breakfast.
My aunt made pancakes and eggs for breakfast I ate quickly.
“Auntie, I’m going to go running,” I told her.
“Okay,” She replied, “Just make sure that your home by dinner.”
I smiled at her; she knew how I got side tracked when I ran. I usually was gone all day, because I run in the woods behind our town and really love it in there.
I started my run in town but made my way into the forest.
I was resting on a tree stump and felt a hand touch my shoulder. I let out a scream and jumped up. I turned around and I saw Alexander Wheeler standing there our at least trying to seeing as he was doubled over laughing.
But I’m allowed to be jumpy so he’s not allowed to laugh. Besides what is he doing here, stalking me?
“Why are you laughing,” I asked him sternly.
“You should have seen the look on your face Ara.”
I liked the extremely polite Alexander not the one that laughed at other people.
“It’s Arabella.”
“So, Ara, what are you doing all alone in the woods, I thought last night would have taught you something.”
“Well Zander, maybe I’m trying to forget that ever happened,”
“I don’t know why, aren’t you suppose to learn from your mistakes or some thing.” Zander pointed out.
“Well not this one.”
“So… what are you doing out in the woods all alone.”
“I was running.” I explained.
“It didn’t look like you were running. It looked like you were sitting.”
“I was resting.”
“Can I join you on your run?”
“If I say no will you listen to me?”
“So I guess I don’t have a chose.”
“Not really.”
“Whatever, what?”
“Whatever you can come with me,” I sighed.
He grinned.
Ten minutes later and I was out of breath. Zander ran not jogged but ran at a breakneck speed and hadn’t even broken a sweat. I came to the conclusion that he must not be human he’s probably an alien from Mars or something. How else can he be so hott and athletic and plain amazing?
“Here let’s stop for a second I need to… tie my shoe.”
“Hey your not tired already are you Ara?” I glared at him.
“No of course not I just need to tie my shoe.”
“Yeah right.” Zander rolled his eyes and looked at my lace less shoes
“Yeah right.” I told him, It became quite but not an uncomfortable one, but I heard something, “Hey, Zander do you here that?”
“The water. We should go and find it.”
“Are you sure, I mean what if we get lost?”
“What are you talking about I know these woods like the back of my hand.” I had been living here for 2 years compared to his 3 days.
“Okay if you’re sure,”
“Yeah lets go.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the water.
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