Categories > Original > Fantasy > Meeting Him
Chapter 3
I stood outside of A Cup of Paradise, my aunt’s coffee shop, deciding on weather or to go inside, it was my day off today but I wanted to make money because my 16th birthday was coming up and I had to buy my own car, I’ve already taken Drivers Ed. So I’ll be able to get my license right away, which I’m happy about, but I won’t actually be able to drive much till I have a car to drive.
I saw my aunt coming outside, her red hair making her stand out from the rest of the people on the sidewalk.
She looked just like my mom, her little sister, did. The same petite figure and green eyes and curly hair, but I apparently had my fathers straight black hair and blue eyes I looked almost nothing like my mom except that I had inherited her figure; I stood at a grand total of 5 feet and I had a slim waist.
My aunt took my moms death hard probably even harder then I did, I wasn’t extremely close to my mom but she was still my mom, though my aunt and my mom were close my aunt visited my mom in the hospital almost every day as she fought cancer. My mom had written precisely in her will that I would be in my aunt’s care. I was already living with my aunt when she died I moved in with her as soon as it was obvious that she wasn’t going to leave that hospital my aunt kept thinking positive though she kept telling me that it was only temporary and that it would get back to normal soon.
I unknowingly wiped a tear from my eye, “Hey Ara what’s wrong?” I heard a voice ask, a voice I could easily recognize.
“What! Nothing.” I answered turning towards Zander.
“If you say so.” He told me and was about to say something else but my Aunt came out.
“Hello Arabella, Who’s this?” she looked at Zander suspiciously.
“Oh auntie this is my friend Alexander, Zander this is my aunt Jenna Adams.”
“Nice to meet you Ms. Adams, Ara has told me a lot about you.”
My aunt raised an eyebrow at the use of my moms nickname for me but didn’t say anything about it, instead she said to Zander, “All good I hope.”
“Yes of course.”
“So Alexander are you coming to the Halloween party?” My aunt asked.
“Halloween party?” He echoed.
“Yeah the café has a Halloween party every year.” I explained.
“It’s November,” Zander pointed out.
“Well, we like to be untraditional and all the Halloween stuff in on clearance,” my aunt told him.
“Well I guess, do I have to dress up?” he asked.
“What do you think?” I said sacristy.
“Oh well I guess it is a Halloween party, what are you being?”
“A vampire,” I told him.
“A vampire?”
“Yes, a vampire, nice and traditional. What are you going to be?” I asked.
“I don’t know, I’ll have to see what I can find, where’s the closest costume shop?”
“At the mall, and that’s two and a half hours away.”
“Oh, Ms. Adams?” Zander turned his attention to my aunt.
“You don’t have to call me that, dear, please call me Jenna,” I was obvious my aunt got a good first impression from Zander.
“Okay. Um, Jenna, you don’t mind if I steal Ara from you for a little while do you?”
“Of course not, just be home by nine, Ara has school tomorrow.” My aunt replied smiling.
“Bye Auntie,” I said as I climbed into Zander’s car.
“So where are we going?” I asked Zander after about five minutes of driving.
“The mall,” he grinned to his self.
“Did you miss the part that it’s over two hours away?”
“Then why are we going?”
“One, because it’s only noon, and two because the faster someone drives the faster they get to where their going,” and with that Zander pushed harder on the gas peddle and the speedometer went up near eighty.
I stood outside of A Cup of Paradise, my aunt’s coffee shop, deciding on weather or to go inside, it was my day off today but I wanted to make money because my 16th birthday was coming up and I had to buy my own car, I’ve already taken Drivers Ed. So I’ll be able to get my license right away, which I’m happy about, but I won’t actually be able to drive much till I have a car to drive.
I saw my aunt coming outside, her red hair making her stand out from the rest of the people on the sidewalk.
She looked just like my mom, her little sister, did. The same petite figure and green eyes and curly hair, but I apparently had my fathers straight black hair and blue eyes I looked almost nothing like my mom except that I had inherited her figure; I stood at a grand total of 5 feet and I had a slim waist.
My aunt took my moms death hard probably even harder then I did, I wasn’t extremely close to my mom but she was still my mom, though my aunt and my mom were close my aunt visited my mom in the hospital almost every day as she fought cancer. My mom had written precisely in her will that I would be in my aunt’s care. I was already living with my aunt when she died I moved in with her as soon as it was obvious that she wasn’t going to leave that hospital my aunt kept thinking positive though she kept telling me that it was only temporary and that it would get back to normal soon.
I unknowingly wiped a tear from my eye, “Hey Ara what’s wrong?” I heard a voice ask, a voice I could easily recognize.
“What! Nothing.” I answered turning towards Zander.
“If you say so.” He told me and was about to say something else but my Aunt came out.
“Hello Arabella, Who’s this?” she looked at Zander suspiciously.
“Oh auntie this is my friend Alexander, Zander this is my aunt Jenna Adams.”
“Nice to meet you Ms. Adams, Ara has told me a lot about you.”
My aunt raised an eyebrow at the use of my moms nickname for me but didn’t say anything about it, instead she said to Zander, “All good I hope.”
“Yes of course.”
“So Alexander are you coming to the Halloween party?” My aunt asked.
“Halloween party?” He echoed.
“Yeah the café has a Halloween party every year.” I explained.
“It’s November,” Zander pointed out.
“Well, we like to be untraditional and all the Halloween stuff in on clearance,” my aunt told him.
“Well I guess, do I have to dress up?” he asked.
“What do you think?” I said sacristy.
“Oh well I guess it is a Halloween party, what are you being?”
“A vampire,” I told him.
“A vampire?”
“Yes, a vampire, nice and traditional. What are you going to be?” I asked.
“I don’t know, I’ll have to see what I can find, where’s the closest costume shop?”
“At the mall, and that’s two and a half hours away.”
“Oh, Ms. Adams?” Zander turned his attention to my aunt.
“You don’t have to call me that, dear, please call me Jenna,” I was obvious my aunt got a good first impression from Zander.
“Okay. Um, Jenna, you don’t mind if I steal Ara from you for a little while do you?”
“Of course not, just be home by nine, Ara has school tomorrow.” My aunt replied smiling.
“Bye Auntie,” I said as I climbed into Zander’s car.
“So where are we going?” I asked Zander after about five minutes of driving.
“The mall,” he grinned to his self.
“Did you miss the part that it’s over two hours away?”
“Then why are we going?”
“One, because it’s only noon, and two because the faster someone drives the faster they get to where their going,” and with that Zander pushed harder on the gas peddle and the speedometer went up near eighty.
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