Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > Precious

Childhood Friend

by flying_angel 0 reviews

All is revealed on how Kairi knows Ryuuzaki.

Category: Death Note - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-06-23 - Updated: 2008-06-23 - 820 words

Kairi walked over to the ledge of the building and looked down. Ryuuzaki saw her close her eyes tightly and look away. He walked over to the opposite ledge and sat down in his usual crouch. There was nothing between him and falling off the top of the building. Oh well, he thought. I'd rather be in danger and comfortable, than be safe but uncomfortable. His eyes turned back to the girl. She turned around and saw him sitting perilously on the ledge.

"Get off of there! Are you crazy?!" She demanded.

He regarded her with a mild expression. "I am perfectly all right. Now if you'd-" He stopped mid-sentence. The girl was running towards him. Did she mean to push him off?

No. She wrapped her arms around his left arm, giving it a little tug. "Please get down from there."

An eyebrow raised. " I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, thank you."

Her brown eyes stared up at him, pleading. "Please, Ryuuzaki."

He gave a start, in which Kairi pulled him farther away from the edge. But hearing his name reminded him off why he had brought her here. Delicately peeling her arms off him, he hopped off the ledge. Standing in his usual crouch, he leaned back."Is this better?" She nodded. "Good. Now the buisness at hand. How do you know my name?"

She gave him one look and laughed. Which made him annoyed. No one laughed at him(well, there were a few occasions, but oh well..). She sat down on the concrete, her back against the ledge. As she did so, he pondered the idea of her being Kira. The percent decreased. She saved him while he fell of the rungs, when she could've run away and left him lying unconscious. And if she was Kira, why would she want to prevent him falling off the building? Her voice brought him back to the present.

"I can't believe you don't remember. Oh well, it's not like you have to have the greatest memory." Ryuuzaki looked insulted. His memory was probably far better than this girl's.

"And what are you inquiring that I have forgotten?"

"The reason I know your name is because you told it to me. I met you at the same park where you were sitting on the bench. You were eight and I was nine."

Now that he thought about, there were times that he'd go to that park, but no one in specific came to mind.

"You were sitting in the sand," Kairi continued. "In that funny crouch of yours. I came over and tried to copy it, remember?"

Yes, he remembered now. She was a lot younger then, and her hair hadn't been layered. She had thought the way he was sitting was curious and tried to copy it. She ended up falling on her head in the sand.

Kairi studied him, and he felt uncomfortable, like someone was interrupting him of something."Your hair wasn't as shaggy as it is now. What made you change it?"

Ryuuzaki felt a prick of annoyance. He liked his hair. " I don't really care for appearances, so I let it grow out."

She chuckled. "You sound very formal."

Ryuuzaki put his finger to his lips for a moment. "That day, you were with your parents, right?"

From the response, Ryuuzaki knew something was wrong. Her eyes hardened for a moment, then softened. "Yeah, they were with me." She declined her head so her long hair covered her face."They.....they were killed by Kira...." She said so softly he strained to hear. Her shoulders were shaking.

Ryuuzaki rubbed his toes together uncomfortably. He never really developed social skills, and had no idea on how to act in this situation. So he let her cry silently, until he couldn't take it anymore. I guess one should try to lighten the mood, he thought. But how exactly does one do that?

Out of his pocket he pulled out a candy bar he'd been saving. For a moment he was tempted to eat it, but quickly dismissed that thought. Padding softly, he walked over to the girl. "Ummm...Kairi, here."He held out the candy bar.

She lifted her head and looked from the candy bar to Ryuuzaki. Her eyes were red, but all signs of moisture were gone."No thanks. I remember how much you like sugar."

"But I-"

"Don't worry about it." She stood up to stretch her legs. "So how have you been? Have you gotten a job?"

She had no idea.

Plz people, i would really like reviews on this. Also, I'm stuck on what do to next with this. My outline is for Kairi and Ryuuzaki to have a couple more secret meetings, and then somehow she gets on the Kira Investigation Team. Can somebody plz help me on how to get from point A to point B?
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