Categories > Books > Outsiders > We'll Be Back

Chapter 5

by xemmiex 0 reviews

Category: Outsiders - Rating: G - Genres:  - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2008-06-24 - Updated: 2008-06-24 - 984 words

I’m attempting Sodapop’s POV again. YAY!
I still don’t own anything! L Hopefully things will start to get a bit more interesting in the next couple chapters! On we go…


CHAPTER 5 - Sodapop’s POV

“COME ON SODA! It’s time to get up!” Darry screamed from the kitchen. “You’re gonna be late for work!” I rolled my eyes. Darry’s really not a morning person. I dragged myself up off my nice warm bed. Ponyboy wasn’t beside me. I looked around the room but I couldn’t see him.

“Pony?” No one answered.

“HURRY UP! Steve’s gonna be here soon, and you haven’t even got dressed yet!” Damn. Darry’s really not in a good mood today.

“I’ll be out in a minute!” I screamed, making my way over to the closet. I pulled out some clean jeans and a white T-shirt, and trough them over on the bed. I was looking around for my DX shirt, but like every morning… I couldn’t find it. I was tarring everything in the room apart to search for it.

“Darry! Where’s my DX shirt?”

“In you’re dresser Sodapop!”

“Oh…” I felt really dumb now, I’d only walked past the dresser about 10 times trying to find it, but I never thought to look inside of it. Digging through the draws something red caught my eye. It was sitting on the floor right beside the dresser. They were Ponyboys boxers, the ones he’d worn the night before to bed. I bent down to pick them up, they had dried blood smeared all over them. Why would his boxers be covered in blood? I started to panic. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. I had the feeling something wasn’t right, I’ve been feeling that way since Pony came home yesterday. First he walks in the door bleeding and bruised, runs straight to the shower and then off to bed.

He wouldn’t talk to anyone all night and then he has one of his nightmares again. It really tore him up too. He couldn’t stop crying for the longest time. Ponyboy wasn’t telling us something and I needed to figure out what it was.

I dropped the boxers on the floor again and walked over to the hamper in the closet. I searched through it until I found the clothes Ponyboy was wearing last night. The T-shirt was ripped and had dirt and dried blood stains on the back. There was a huge gash on the front with blood around it, it looked like he’d been cut with a blade or something. I picked up the pants he was wearing and looked at them closely. There was a couple tiny blood spots on the backside of them and the legs were covered in dried mud. I looked for his boxer shorts next. When I found them I was shocked, they were covered in blood, front and back. Ponyboy defiantly wasn’t telling us something. I was starting to get scared, you wouldn’t have you’re boxers covered in blood if the Socs just beat you up like he said they did. With them in my hand I reached over to grab the other pair off the floor.

“PONYBOY!” I screamed. I could hear a scared tone in my voice but I didn’t care. I just wanted to find out what happened to my baby brother. I heard the front door open and the screen door shut behind him. There were light footsteps in the hall and the bed room door opened. Ponyboy was standing there looking at me with a questioning look in his eyes.

“Yeah Soda?” I didn’t mean to scream it but I did anyway.

“PONY WHERE THE HELL DID ALL THIS BLOOD COME FROM?” I held the boxers up so he could see what I was talking about. Pony jumped back at my sudden out burst, but I saw his face pale when he looked at what I was holding in my hands.

“huh, where’d it come from?” I asked again, in a quieter voice when he didn’t answer me. He had tears welling up in his eyes and he looked really scared.

“What happened last night Pone?” I took a step towards him but he only backed up into the wall. The tears were pouring down his face and he refused to look me in the eyes.

“What’d those Socs do to you Pony?” As soon as the words left my mouth, Ponyboy took off outta from the room, almost running right into Darry who’d come down the hall to see what all the yelling was about. He grabbed the front door and through it open, running outside without looking back. I don’t think I’d seen Ponyboy look more terrified then he did when I showed him his boxers. Now I knew for sure that there was something really wrong with our little brother, and I’d do anything in I could to find out what it was.


Sorry it was so short, but if I added Ponyboys POV in this chapter too it would be REALLY, REALLY long. So I’ll save that for the next one. Thanks again for all the reviews!
Anony. Lover :I don’t know how you did it, but you guessed what would happen next right! J
themip22 : I’m trying to find them… lol but I haven’t had any luck so far. I’m gonna keep trying though! I’m also gonna try putting all of the gangs POV in the story at least in SOME point;; but I don’t know how well it’s gonna work. I confused weather I should have Darry understand Pony, or keep him like he is in the book.
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