Categories > Original > Drama > Shinya's Story

Chapter 8

by Auntie-Shin 2 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-06-29 - Updated: 2008-06-30 - 404 words - Complete

Today, Nisa wasn't on the bus so I was looking for Shinya to tell her that Nisa wasn't here yet. But when I got to school I was walking to my locker and I saw Shinya with the preps. (weird) Then I turned and saw Devon with the jocks, Steven with his old friends (skaters), and Nessa with the art people. I was confused so I went to the band room to talk to one of my friends in the band and ask her if she knew what was going on.
I came to school late because of a doctors appointment and I saw that no one was hanging out with each other. I had a dumbfounded look on my face. So I went to my locker and was on my way to find Shinya but the bell rang so I went to homeroom wondering what the hell was goin on.
We were all split up into different, hmmm, cliques I guess, and that was how it stayed for the next few weeks and into the summer.
I was walking in the main hallway of the high school me and my friends go to. But this time will be my last. I'm gaduating in about ten minutes! Me and my friends are walking arm-in-arm with our robes on, but this time I'm with different friends. I do miss Nisa, Miku, Nessa, Steven, Cassidy, and Devon but I think I'm happier now. Yes, I'm still going out with Yuki and about five minutes ago he gave me a promise ring. He is one of the people I'm walking with at the moment and he is on my left. As I walked with Yuki and my other friends I saw Nisa with the spanish nerds, Nessa with the art geeks, Steven with the skaters, Cassidy with the band geeks, Devon with the jocks, and Miku was nowhere in sight. My smile faded and I sighed.
"What's wrong?" The voice at my left asked.
"Nothing I was just thinking about high school went by." He turned and kissed me then we proceeded to the gym. I continued to walk with Yuki and the rest of my friends and a smile reappeared on my face for I was thinking about how everything turned out great.


"A house divided cannot stand."
-Abraham Lincoln
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