Categories > Original > Drama > Shinya's Story

Chapter 7

by Auntie-Shin 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-06-28 - Updated: 2008-06-29 - 303 words - Complete

"Oh my god! This dress is awesome!" I exclaimed as my mom showed me the dress she bought me for Cassidy's party. She's throuwing the party so she can try to get the group back together.
Even though I was Miku over the weekend and at school yesterday, being around his is still kinda awkward. I mean, we both hang out with Devon so, yeah, we are around each other sometimes but I can never be as close to him as I once was.
sigh "I don't think this was a very good idea," Nisa said to Cassidy, as she looked at how Miku, Devon, and I stood on one side of the well-decorated garage and Cassidy, Nisa, Nessa, and Steven stood against the other.
**********Steven's POV******************
"Hey, uh, Nisa?" I asked walking up to her.
"If I,uh, leave will you be upset with me?" I asked lightly.
"No, go ahead," She answered giving me a good-bye hug. I gave Cassidy and Nessa good-bye hugs too then I took a step toward Shinya but stopped and just left.
**********Miku's POV******************
'God! This is so stupid!' I thought to myself. I walked over to Nisa and Cassidy and said,"This is a big waste of time, I'm leaving."
"Okay," Nisa replied.
*********Shinya's POV*******************
Nessa yawned and said she was tired and that she had to go. So only me, Devon, Nisa, and Cassidy were left in the room. I looked at Nisa questioningly and grabbed Devon's sleeve and walked out.
"That was affective," I said to Nisa as she walked over to the stereo and turned it off.
"This didn't work at all," Nisa whined as she mixed some M&M's with the bowl of popcorn on the tabe.
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