Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Princess Paopuko

Chapter 4

by Axel-Ingleson 0 reviews

Sora and Riku meet Sora's mother's new ward.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Axel,Riku,Sora - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-07-01 - Updated: 2008-07-01 - 337 words

By Axel Ingleson
-Chapter Four-

Sora and Riku arrived back at Sora's house in time for dinner.

"Where's Paopuko?" Sora asked.

"She's on the island with a boy we met in town." Sora's mother told them. "He looked lost, so I'm taking care of him until we find his parents."

"Oh," Sora replied. "I'd like to meet my daughter's friends before she takes off with them."

"I didn't think you'd mind," his mother told him and Riku, reassuringly. "He's just a little boy. Still, they should be back for dinner soon. Why don't you and Riku go and make sure they didn't lose track of time."

Sora nodded, then made his way out to the island with Riku in tow.

When they got there, they found Paopuko on the shore, making a sandcastle with her new friend.

Paopuko looked up and waved, cheerfully, at her Daddy and her Papa.

"Daddy, Papa," she said, "meet my friend."

The boy with the spiky red hair looked up at Sora, timidly. A moment later, he was all smiles.

Sora, for his part, looked back down at the boy wondering where he'd seen him before. As he spotted the teardrop marks beneath his eyes, he suddenly realized where.

"Axel!" He gasped. "Of course! That's what they meant when they said the Flame had reawakened."

"Flame?" Axel asked. "I'm a flame? How come? Is it 'cause my hair's red?"

"You used to do magic with fire," Sora explained, deciding that the boy was too young to be told about how he'd once been a fire-mage or that he'd been a member of Organization XIII. "But that was when you were alive before."

Axel looked confused, so Riku quickly added, "Don't worry about it. You'll understand it some day when you're older."

"Okay," Axel smiled.

"Hey," Sora laughed, "we came here to tell you both that it's time for dinner."

"Is Axel gonna eat with us?" Paopuko asked.

"You betcha," Sora agreed.

Paopuko smiled and raced Axel back to the house.
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