Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Without You Is How I Disappear


by ilo9vemcrgmfrb 1 review

Sequel coming soon. :D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-07-02 - Updated: 2008-07-03 - 253 words - Complete

One Year Later

Christi's POV

For the next year Me and Gerard tried our hardest to stay out of the spotlight especially once I had my baby, a beautiful little girl we named Eliza Anne. I had a lot of people calling to interview me, but the only interview that I did was Ryan Seacrest on his morning show. Gerard had been adamant about not telling the press about him to keep our relationship private. The only answer I would give when asked who I did marry was "He was my high school sweetheart, and I just never got over him." Gerard's band took off, and released their first album, and touring kept him away from me for almost six months that year. While he was gone, his grandmother, whom he was very close to, passed away, and he took it hard. They dropped their opening act spot on their tour and came home. Gerard wouldn't come out of our room for almost three weeks, and when he did, he had written a song, dedicated to his grandmother. Right around then, I brought Eliza to Pete's house, and headed out to New York for fashion week, and spent a month designing my collection. My first official collection was received quite well, and Times Magazine even called me the best new designer for the year. Everything was going amazingly for me.



Sorry it's so short, but I'm working on the sequel, so that should be up in the next week or two.
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