Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Lie After Lie


by dtng101 0 reviews

'Oh Jane please tell me your not'.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-03 - Updated: 2008-07-03 - 1047 words

AUTHER'S NOTE;So before I begin I would like to thank guiltypleasurexxo thank you so much for reviewing=D.SO ONCE AGAIN IT ONLY TAKE A MINUTE TO REVIEW SO PLEASE REVIEW TO SEE WHAT YOU THINK=D.

I woke up,and saw to my left and saw a sleepy naked Alex next to me.
"Oh...god"I said quietly as I remembered what happened last night.I got up quietly and got dressed,and soon realized it was 7 o clock in the morning,and I was going to be late.I headed towards the door and closed it quietly,and went downstairs and saw a bunch of people passed out on the floor,but Mikey and Gerard no where in sight.I guessed they left without me last night.'BASTARDS'I though.I caught the first bus I saw in sight and got in it.I sat down by myself thinking if Alex even use a condom last night.I hope he did.Soon my thoughts were interupeted when my school came in sight.I got off and entered the huge white doors that was the enterance to the school buliding.Luckly I still had about 12 minutes till class started .I went to my locker to get everything ready.I saw my two best friends running towards me.Amy and Linda.
"OMFG did you see the new teacher for the seniors"said Amy with a perky simile on her face
"yeah I heard he is single,and he is so fuckin cute"said Linda with a simile also
"oh"I said while digging in my locker for my algebra book.
"What you have something better"said Amy
" yesterday I went to a colleage"I said then gettng interupted by Amy
"You went to a colleage party how cool"said Amy
"Wait a minute Amy,what else were you going to say Jane"said Linda
" I had sex"I said looking nervously at them
"YOU WHAT"said AMy
"Shhhhh"I said
"With who"said Amy
"How was it"said Linda
"Did it hurt"said Linda
"Back to who"said Amy
"Oh he doesn't go here,he's a colleage student"I said
"OMFG Lucky"said Amy
"That's not it isn't it?"said Linda with a worried face
I looked down at my stomatch and touched it with my binder
they also looked at my stomatch
"Omg jane"said Amy
"Oh Jane please tell me your not"said Linda
"I don't know,i don't even know if he used a condom"I said
"Well we could always make sure by buyimg a pregancy test right"said Amy
"Oh that's the bell'said AMy
"i gottta go"i said
"no wait this is all a big shock to me and to all of us too"said Amy
"I can't stay I'm already in much trouble,I don't need another problem"I said
"Right so We'll meet you in the bathroom okay Jane"said Linda
"why in the bathroom"I said
"you'll find out "shouted Linda as her and Amy ran to class.
"Oh fuck I have three minutes left till the tardy bell"I said running to my algebra class.
"Hey Jane sorry about"said Mikey running to class too,but I interrupted him
"Don't"I said entering my class and got a sad look from Mikey.
'Just in time'I though as I sat down in my usual seat that was near the window.
"Welcome class,now today we're going to study algebra two"said the teacher as i dazed off to look outside the window.I wasn't really paying attention,all my thoughts were about what happened last night.What would happen if I was pregant?,How would my aunt and uncle react?And the rest of my thoughts were on Mikey and Gerard about how mad I was at them.Maybe I wouldn't have to go thru this if they wouldn't have to leave me alone.
CLASS WAS OVER.I gulped at the fact that I was going to meet Linda and AMy in the bathroom,and I had an idea that what Linda meant was the pregancy test,I'm teriffed at the fact about me being pregant.I slowly got up and walked slowly thru the halls.I saw Mikey talking to his best friend Frank.I saw Mikey approuching me again
"I'm sorry Jane"he said
"please Mikey leave me alone,please"I said as I headed for the bathroom
I entered and to my releif no one was there except for Linda and Amy.
"Here"said Linda handing me three pregancy tests
"Three"I said
"yeah just to make sure"said Amy
"okay"I said going into the bathroom and using them
"ohh"I said the first one said I was pregant
"it's probably a mistake,see the other two"said Linda
"I guess it was because the other one says I'am too,and the thrid says I'm not"I said
"What if I'am"I said
"Don't worry Jane we'll go with you to the doctor after school"said Amy
"But my doctor is a kids doctor"I said
"who cares don't worry i'am sure she'll still intend you"said Amy
"Do you guys mind if I go by myself"I said
"No not at all"they both said
The day passed by really fast with all the thinking I was doing.I caught the bus in a different way,since I didn't want to see either Gerard or mikey and got in the bus.Soon I entered the hospital building,and signed in.To make my day even worse than it was I saw all little kids between the ages of 2 and 5.It's not that I don't like kids or all,but you know it's hard for me to look at them when me knowing that maybe I would have one of my own.Soon every kid left and I was the only one left in the waiting room.
"Jane Guerrero"said the nurse
"The doctor is ready to see you"she said
I got up from my seat and looked up nervously at the door that led to the doctor's office.
"Miss Guerrero"said the nurse
"Coming"I said heading where she was.
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