Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Lie After Lie

I Feel Good

by dtng101 0 reviews

'Jane goes in the doctors office and finds out some news'.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-04 - Updated: 2008-07-04 - 482 words


I entered the room where my doctor would be coming to check me.
"Okay Miss Guerrero,why are you here to see the doctor"said the nurse
"'s kind of personal..and I was thinking that maybe I could tell the doctor myself"I said
"Sure,then Dr.Day,will be here in a minute or two".The nurse said,then she walked out the door.
"Okay everything will be okay,don't get youself worried jane"I said
"mom,dad where ever you guys are please help me out here"I said while looking up.
Soon I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in"I said
A women with black hair and blue eyes came in with her doctor coat.
"hello Jane i'am doctor Day"she said while putting her hand out for me to shake it
"hi"I said and shook her hand
"So what brings you to my office today Jane"she said
" kind of embarassing to tell"I said
"Look Jane what ever it is,I promise I won't tell anyone about it,don't be embarressed swettie that's why I'am here to help"she said
"Well yesterday..I I don't know if the guy that I had it with used a condom,and I took three pregancy tests,two came out positive and one came out negative"I said looking down on the floor.
"And I was wondering if could check if i'am"I said
"How old are you honey"she said
"thridteen"I said
"Well I'am sure I could get you some labatory tests done"she said similing
"Thank you very much I apperiate it"I said
"Your welcome,now come over here so you could get your tests done"she said giving me some papers and pointing down at an address in the same building.
"Okay thank you"I said getting up and heading out the door
I looked down at the address one more time and followed the directions.I finally came to the door that said 'Labotory'.I gulped and got in.I put my papers in the front desk and waited to be called.
"Okay Jane Guerrero come in"the nurse said
She took out a soringe and took out my blood.
"Okay all done,would ou like to wait for your tests"she said
"Sure"I said
"okay they'll be done in half an hour"she said
I got up and waited for them.I saw the nurse coming back with some papers
"Congratulations it came out negative"she said
"It came out what"I said with great disbelif
"Negative swettie"she said
"THANK YOU THANK YOU"I said hugging her annd running out of the building like a mad women.
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