Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Lie After Lie

The Untold Truth

by dtng101 4 reviews

'jane get's a letter in the mail explaining things about her parents and some certain people.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-06 - Updated: 2008-07-07 - 835 words

Jane's Pov.
I went home running without stopping since the hospital once only five minutes away from my house.i think this was the best news I've gotten in years.I wouldn't imagen what would happen to me if I was pregant.I opened the door to my house and soon saw Mikey,gerard,my uncle and aunt eatting dinner and laughing about something.My aunt saw me.
"Oh Jane where were you?my aunt asked
"I was-"I was soon cut off by my uncle
"Oh Linda called and said that Jane stayed after school to finish a project"my uncle said
'I owe you big linda'I though
"is that right"said my aunt
"yeah,actually I had to stay over Mrs.Mims class to finish my history project"I said
'Wow i'am not very good at lies I hope they buy it'I though
"Oh well that's good"said my aunt with a simile.
'wooo she bought it,yesss"I though and similed to myself
"Are you happy about something"said Mikey
"yeah I got a passing grade on my project"I said glaring at him and Gerard.
"Well would you like to eat dinner"said my aunt
"Oh no I'am really tired think I'am going to hit the sack"I said heading up the stairs
I got inside my room,and it was dark so I turned on the lights and soon saw ballons and flowers that said'We're really sorry Jane'.There was a huge card on my bed and I headed to the card and picked it up not even bothering to close the door behind me.I picked it up and read it....

Dear Jane,
me and Mikey are really sorry.We were really drunk and when we were going to leave we didn't see you anywhere in sight,so we though you left.But Mikey told me this afternoon that you were there.
Once Again we're really sorry I hope you forgive us;D.
Yours Truly,
Gerard & Mikey-D

"I do forgive you two shit heads"I said
"I knew you forgive us"said Mikey popping out from my door way and hugging me
"Mikey I need air"I said and soon felt him stop hugging me
"We're really sorry Jane"said Gerard
"Yeah,know give me a hug"I said and soon we all made up.
They left around 12 mid night and I went straight to bed.
'Thank God tommorw is Saturday'I though
I looked up to the clock whci read nine thirty.I got up and went downstairs I found a note on the refrigarator from my aunt and uncle...

We went over to Balirs for some coffee.
Be back around 1 p.m.
-Aunt and Uncle

"Cool what to do"I mummbled
"Oh I know watch some t.v."I said
I turned it on and saw that Degrassi was on
woo I haven't seen this show in ages.
"There isn't that much drama in real life espeacilly high school"I said
"Wow retarded writters you always have some crazy twist to your t.v shows huh"I said as I turned off the t.v.
I went outside to go checkthe mail and brought in some letters.
I sat down on the table and read the letters..
"Phone bill,Cable bill,water bill,gas bill,is there anything besides bills here"I said as I thru the bills on the table
I soon came to face to a letter that wasn't a bill.It read
To jane -andrea guerrero
"That's me,I wonder who is it from"I said
I looked for the address
"Hmm no Address that's strange"I said as I tore the letter open

Dear Jane,
i know this is going to sound really strange.But I don't know how to say it,and I know it's a real shocker but your going to have to find out sooner or later.You see I know that you never met mom or dad.But I don't know how to say it..your not the only child.Mom and Dad had us before you.Me and my brother.We're the oldest your our little sister.And maybe your wondering why we never looked for you huh?Well we'll explain later.And I guess your still wondering if mom and dad are died.Well they're not.And don't get mad at aunt Carmen and Uncle lu,because trust me they have no idea that you have sibblings or that My aunt Carmen's sister is alive or her husband.We won't tell you our names because later on your going to find out about us.So we though we contact you by letter.So if you really want to keep in touch and talk,well not talk in person but by online.Here my
i hope that we could stay intouch and I hope that you'll understand about all of this later.

"hh omg"I gasped and sat there in silence.
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