Categories > TV > Supernatural > Far From Home

Second Day

by MylesGabriel 0 reviews

Little Sammy series. Taken from the timeline when Sam lived with the Winchesters from the Valley of my Being Brothers Series.

Category: Supernatural - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-07-03 - Updated: 2008-07-04 - 1000 words

Chapter One:

It was the second day. New house, new environment--new family. He didn't sleep easy last night. He cried himself to sleep calling on only one name. The name that always brought a calm to his senses, to his soul--every minute it leaves his lips. It's his mantra. His magic word. Everytime he's in trouble, hurt, sad, scared--saying that one name made everything alright.


He says it one time, that's what it takes and things fall right back into place--like a puzzle. From the time he started to understand things--that's all he knows to do. Depend on his big brother, his hero. He breathes and live holding on to that name.


But unlike before, as far as his little mind can recall when his big brother would always come, this time, his Deanie never came. He kept calling out for him, but there was nothingness. He wondered why. But he never resented. He never could, since it's his Deanie. 4 year-old little Sammy's eyes focused on the door half the night, he was waiting for it to open, just like back home. His eyes never left the doorway, but soon his 4-year old eyes became too heavy with sleep and were too puffy with too much crying to even stay open.

His Deanie, as he recalls would always come barging in and make everything alright. Every time he hears the slightest whimper, just a mere squeak--and he'd come running. If it comes from Sam, he'd be there in a wink. The kid was expecting the same thing to happen, he trusted his big brother to be there--as always. But he wasn't. Dean wasn't.

He spent his waking hours calling, crying out, watching...waiting. But the door never opened, nobody came. His Deanie was nowhere.


"Rise and shine, sweetie!" came a warm woman's voice. It was familiar, it was just like his mommy's voice, Mary's.But it wasn't Mary at all, it wasn't his mommy. "Hi, Sam!" She is standing alongside the bed, looking down on him. She had a warm voice and the second the kid opened his eyes, her face was just as warm. "I'm your aunt Jorgine...remember me from yesterday, baby? We already met, didn't we?"

The boy slowly sat up and was rubbing his pudgy knuckles to his eyes. The tears from the previous night all dried up on their own on his rosy cheeks. He scanned the room with his eyes in silence. The room seemingly looked like a girl's room since it was nothing like his bedroom at home. It wasn't like his Deanie's nor Ted's either. Sam sat there inanimately for a few minutes before he mustered enough courage to speak up.

"I want Deanie..." his voice was as a muffle but he was heard anyways by his kind-hearted Aunt Jorgine who pulled him closer towards her.

"Aaw, sweetie...Dean is not here at the moment." she says apologetically, if only the kid could understand the situation better.

The kid looked at her with his piercing brown pair. Jorgine felt like the gaze went right through her soul, it was painful.

"Oh..." he looks around and seemed like he was looking for something with his eyes. "He goes to school when the hand in the clock is like that!" he points at the clock on the wall that read 7 o'clock. "Did he go to school?" his hand is unknowingly toying with his aunt's hand after doing the pointing on the clock.

"No, Sam...he's back home." she is stroking the boy's hair affectionately.

Sam squints as he looked at her obliquely as he tilted his head to the side.

"I'm not at home Aunt Jowgy?"

"No,'re not."

"I'm not?"

"No, sweetie."

"Hmm..," he paused for a good few seconds, "Can I go home now? I want to go home now, please?"

"Oh Sam..." she gasps as she hugged the boy to her chest delicately.


Eloise was eating his breakfast behind the counter top when the swinger just bustled open and his kid brother walks in. The younger boy looked like he hadn't slept a wink at all. There were dark circles under his eyes and he looked cranky. He just slammed his back pack onto the counter top as he sat down and slumped his forehead beside it.

"You okay, squirt?"

"I miss him." Dean whispers. "I miss him it hurts."

The older boy sighs big time.

"Dean," he lowers his voice, "--don't."

Dean looks up with tears starting to leave his eyes. He clears his throat and found the need to look over his shoulder before he spoke in a lowered decibel as Eloise.

"I can't help it, Teddy...I miss Sammy." he reaches up to wipe his eyes with the back of his hands. "Why did he have to go? Why does dad have to send him away? He didn't do anything wrong! What happened to mommy wasn't his fault! You were there! I was there, Ted! It was our fault! We shouldn't have left him alone outside like we did!"

Eloise shut his eyes, he couldn't stand looking at Dean, crying. His chest wanted to explode right there.

"Dean, don't start with this. You'll get dad upset again and we both don't want that!"

"I want Sammy to come home, Ted. I just know it he didn't sleep a wink last night. He can't sleep right without me...I couldn't sleep right without him..."

"I miss him too, Dean. But I can't do anything about it. Dad made up his mind. Sam is staying with Uncle Aaron from now on."

"It's not right,'s not! I hate dad for doing this--mom wouldn't want me to do this but dad made me--made us do this to Sam! I bet if it had been Jacob in Sam's shoes he wouldn't send him away!" Dean started to sob harder as he got up, grabbing his back pack along the way and slamming the door behind him.
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