Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Wipe That Smile Off You're Face
Wipe That Smile Off You're Face
(#) RyanRossLuver 2008-07-11
This is still amazing, I totally love it.
Update again soon?
xox EmmiWipe That Smile Off You're Face
(#) molliegym 2008-07-12
Okay, I totally LOVE this story! The characters are great, the plot is original and exciting, and it's realistic without being boring or predictable! The ONLY problem I have with it is the title- "Wipe That Smile Off YOU'RE Face"; I think you probably meant "Wipe That Smile Off YOUR Face" ("You're face" means "you are face" but "your face" means "face belonging to you"). (Sorry, I'm a bit of a grammar nut!)
But basically, this story rocks, and will be very upset if you don't update it, like, now. :)
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