Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > This Feeling Is Tearing Me Up

This Feeling Is Tearing Me Up

by xcandix 2 reviews

This is the sequel to This is How We'll be, Oh Glory. Read the first one because this one will make way more sense if you do. Please Read and Review.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-06-30 - Updated: 2008-07-01 - 855 words

Maddy's POV

It's been a week since Brendon and I told our families about our engagement. So far, they are the only ones who have known. Pete and Ashlee didn't know, Ryan didn't know, hell even my best friend Jade didn't know. It was important that we kept it secret because I like keeping these things as private as possible. It's stressful enough knowing that you are going to have to plan a wedding without the added drama of tabloids and angry fans that like to start mean rumors. Brendon had left to go up to the mountains for about a month and I started producing the Cab's record in the Palm's Casino studio. Mark, my engineer, and I were writing up a recording schedule for the boys when Amy, my publicist, walked in. I heard her heals slapped against the floor, making the same sound a wet towel makes we it's struck against somebody else.

"You're fucked," she retorted in her cynical voice.

"Good morning to you too,Amy. Would you like some coffee? Or breakfast? Or would you like to explain to me why you just had a bitch fit?"

"Maddy, you little secret has become the secret to success for every tabloid."

Her attempt to intimidate was lame.

"What secret? What tabloid? They are only interested in my brother and occasionally my boyfriend."

"You mean you're brother and occasionally your fiance."

"Wait how do you know that Brendon is my- Oh shit."

"That's a better reaction."

"Who told?"

"Maddy maybe you should not have worn you're ring." She screamed as she threw four different gossip magazines at me. All of which, had a picture of Brendon and I leaving a coffee shop in Las Vegas...with a huge engagement ring on my ring finger. It was like a third person.

"I didn't bother taking it off because the paparazzi is never in Vegas. Not local Summerlin anyway. They are always by the casinos. The only other time Brendon and I have been in a tabloid was when Natalie screwed us over."

"Do you think she did this? Cause I can sue!"

"No I don't think she did, and you don't have to take out a lawsuit. Just give me a few minutes alone to regain my thoughts and we will figure out something." I concluded as I walked out of the studio. I walked down the hall and into the office. I immediately took out my phone and dialed Brendon. It rang a couple of times.

"I have been waiting to hear your voice," he answered.

"Right, we have a problem."

"Not the greeting I was expecting, but what's up?"

"I know you are in the mountains and do absolutely nothing, but have you been to a supermarket or convenience store?" I said in frustration.

"Alright calm down. What is going on, Maddy?"

"We have, yet again, found out way into another gossip magazine. Everybody knows that we are engaged."


"That's what I said."

"Maybe it won't be so bad, we should just take it one day at a time."

"You're right, you're right," I said, instantly being put at ease.

"Listen I really don't mean to leave you hanging, but I have to go. The guys are ready to get to work writing. Can I call you later?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Alright, love you."

"Love you, too."

I hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and got ready to face the very angry fan-base of Brendon Urie. I walked back down the hall-way.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked Amy.

"We are going to wait it out and then deal with it."

"Sounds good. Sorry about all the drama, Mark."

He was watching the TV and I waiting for a reply.


"Maddy, I think tabloids are the least of your worries."

I walked over to the TV and was faced with the news reporting my engagement to the world.

"Oh no! You have got to be kidding me," I whined," Listen Mark, Amy I'm sorry but I have to go curl up in my apartment for a little while." I walked out of the door without a response. I quickly made my way for my car. It was parallel parked along the street. I unlocked it with the keypad as I quickly made my way to the car. I looked up and was swarmed by photographers, they literally showed up out of nowhere.

"Maddy are you and Brendon really engaged?" One shouted.

"Are kids on the way?" Another one pressed.

"Will you be walking down the aisle as a virgin?" A third photographer asked.

"Enough!" I shoted" Leave me alone!" I started my car and sped off as quick as I could without hitting any of them. I raced home and when I got there I locked the door and blocked it with one of our couches. Ella ran up to me. I picked her up, walked into my room and locked the door behind me. I cuddle up with her on my bed, popped a sleeping pill, and drifted off into a much needed sleep.
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