Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot

Chapter 21

by another_disaster 4 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-07-14 - Updated: 2008-07-15 - 777 words

February 23, 2005.
Posted to: Sing4Absolution

I was sitting with Frank after school while we were waiting for our parents. I was talking to him about cars and sounds they make and big trees. He got off subject and mentioned how he didn’t want his gum anymore, but didn’t have anywhere to throw it out. I suggested that he stick it under the table we were sitting upon but he said no. Once he did that and accidentally touched someone else’s gum–and it was still wet and mushy.

I started laughing about then, though a wave of pure nausea passed through me. It was sickening and funny and disgusting and hilarious–all wrapped in one. It was like an emocoaster. I was sad due to my illness, but happy due to Frank’s story.

An emocoaster. Yeah.

GuitarHero: It wasn’t that funny, Gee. I don’t know why you laughed so much.
--KissMyBass: My poor Frankie.


February 24, 2005.
Posted to: KissMyBass

My friends and I never have any “drama” or fights like other kids my age do. It’s almost disappointing. Today in eighth period Bob and I were in the film room while a class was going on, like we usually are. He and I were discussing how uneventful and drama-less our lives are, and I convinced him to throw a paper ball at our friend Tim. Finally after some excessive laughing (which the class either ignored or didn’t hear?) he did, then we turned around to face our computers and there was Tim, a few seconds later, still staring at us. He mouthed “What the fuck?” and we burst out laughing. Bob explained to him that we were trying to cause a fight, but Tim just laughed at us. Then Bob punched my hand, and I kicked his shin, and still no fight occurred.

WHY ARE WE SO BORING? What is so terribly wrong with us that no one wants to hit us?

Comment(s): 3
LittleDrummerBoy: What are you talking about? I hit you! I’ll hit you again, MANY TIMES, if you so desire.
--GuitarHero: I will kill you.
---Sing4Absolution: This is so… Days of Our Lives. I love real-life soap operas.


February 26, 2005.
Posted to: LittleDrummerBoy

My English teacher is more than a pain in the ass. She is a SUPER pain in the ass. Not only that, she might just be a moron. We were discussing vocabulary and she said: “Cadaver. You know, like cadaverous? Cadaver?” Exactly why would someone use the same word to describe itself? I can’t understand a damn thing she ever tells us, which is okay since she hates me anyway.

I mean, she really hates me. A lot. I am not kidding.

SO, ASHLEY. She and I have been talking a lot lately, and I… um… found out she’s not from France. Rather, she’s from Peru. I don’t exactly know why I assumed she was from France, but that doesn’t really matter.

EXCEPT that Frank always tells me how creepy she is. And I don’t think that’s nice. Ashley is very charming and lovely and all those eloquent words I can’t think of right this moment. She and I hang out in my room. Well, rather, a picture of her and I hang out in my room.

This evening, Mikey, Frank, our friends Rachel and Kim, and I went to a coffee shop called the Witches Brew. It is SO COOL in there. I brought Ashley’s picture and we made a movie about her. Well, her picture anyway. During the “Christmas” scene, Mikey poured sugar on her picture and exclaimed “Merry Christmas, Ashley!” in this weird, Swedish accent. No one ever really knows where his accents derive from. They just kind of come and go… Frank and I make fun of them all the time, and Mikey gets so mad but you’ve got to understand something: He doesn’t believe that he puts on accents. Ever. He’s crazy, and probably needs to be institutionalized.

Comment(s): 5
Sing4Absolution: Oh, man. My favourite is the Southern accent he used to put on when he was angry. It was so weird! That accent never came on any other time…
--KissMyBass: What are you talking about!? Stop making things up!
---GuitarHero: I don’t want this to come across the wrong way, but have you ever been tested for Multiple Personality Disorder? I mean, that could be the cause and it wouldn’t be your fault…
----KissMyBass: NO. I DON’T HAVE MPD. STOP.
-----LittleDrummerBoy: Loony. LOLOLOLOLFEST.
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