Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me Lie After Lie

The Meeting....Maybe

by dtng101 1 review

'Jane is prepared for her big meeting..but later on she regrets it.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-15 - Updated: 2008-07-15 - 686 words

Jane's Pov.
Today was the day I was going to meet them.Well at least that's what he said.I took out my finest clothes since I wanted to make a good impresion on them.I took out a black short sleved dress and put on some black tights on.I straighten my hair and just added a little of eyeliner,so it looks that I don't over do it.I went downstairs and left my aunt and unlce a letter that I was going to the libarary to study posted on the refregarator.I locked the door and I walked slowly to the park,on my way their I though of the descrpition my 'brother' told me a young james dean and elvis.I started laughing at the vivid image that came to my head.'Just imagen it's really them,coming back from their graves'.I though.
I was getting closer and closer to the park itself,and I was getting even more nervous than I was before.I stopped for a second and I felt like if I was about to puke.I touched my stomatch and I fell to my knees and puke about half of a gallon that it seemed of my corn dog I ate before I came here.Hahaha I ate a corn dogg before I came,so they wouldn't think I'am a pig.I got up from my knees.And kept walking,the park came in sight.I walked to a bench and sat their quietly and waited.I remember before I left I told him what I was going to wear,plus he said that supposely he already had seen me.I was sitting their quietly when I saw a little girl not too young but just a couple years younger than me,she came running with a young boy around the age of seventeen,they were both holding hands and holding a kite together.
"Look look,Jay I did it I did it"said the little girl to the boy
"I knew you would do it Jammie,I believed in you"said the boy to the girl
"your the best big brother in the whole entire world"she told him
"I love you so much Jammie"he said
"I love you too dou dou brain"she giggled
Soon they both chased each other and fell over one on top of the other laughing their faces off.
I though of me and my brothers being like that since I'am thier little sister.I always wanted some siblings of my own.I envied girls that had brothers,because they had some one that always had their backs and defended them and cared for them.Read them stories at night,checked under the bed or closet to see if there were monsters,watched endless movies at nights.Shared thier most enjoyable moments together,woke them up in the morning of thier birthdays.But the most of all that pained me the most was the huggs and kisses that,they gave eachother.That's something that you can't ever replaced.
I looked down at my wathced it read four thrity.'Their not coming'I though.But either way I waited for a long time that seemed like a centry.I looked down again at my watch this time it read six thrity.'that's it their not even coming,motherfuckers I HOPE THEY ROTE IN HELL'I though.I walked towards the exit of the park,when I bumped into someone.
"I'am sorry"I said
"what are you doing this late at the park"asked Gerard
"I was waiting for someone"I said
"And you "I said
"Walking Toby,my mom made me,you know how she always complains about how he always takes a shit inside"He said
"Who were you waiting for"he said
"for some jerk who stood me up"I said
"oh do you want me to go kick his ass for you"he said
"no it's not worth it,you'll probably wast your time like I did"I said
"Well see you"I said
"see ya"he said
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