Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Heart It Races

Don't Be Silly

by wheresyourheart 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2008-07-15 - Updated: 2008-07-15 - 713 words


The first time Sam showed up was five days before the splinter incident. I had been walking home from school (to save money on gas) when all of a sudden this girl with wavy red hair and green eyes appeared a few feet ahead of me, leaning up against a telephone pole. I just about screamed like a little girl, but I somehow managed to keep it inside. Let me tell you, if this gorgeous girl had just appeared in front of you, just like that, bam and there she was, you'd have been shocked, too.

I stared, and she asked, "What, are you just going to stare or are you going to ask me how I did that?"

All I could do was nod. It was so strange! And she had this glow... Is it possible to get high of the smell of new asphalt? Because I swear, I was high or something.

But then, how would it explain all of the times after that I'd seen her?

"Well," she countinued, "I am... um, dead."

"Yeah, alright lady," I said, then continued walking, leaving her behind me. Until she appeared inches from my face.

"Good manners, Bryar," she said, not angry, but not exactly friendly, either.

So, I stepped to the side and said, "Look, it was a real nice chat, but my parent's expected me home fifteen minutes ago."

She smiled, "Yeah, nice try."

I attempted to walk away again, and this time she walked with me. "Aren't you going to ask my name?" She asked.

"Nope," I told her.

"It's Sam. That's what everyone calls me. Called me. But my real name's Amber Sampson."

That name sure rang a bell, but I couldn't place it. And then I did.

"Funny, Amber Sampson? That girl that got in a car with her drunk friend and died? But the friend lived?" I said sarcastically. "Sorry, but dead people? Yeah, they can't stand in front of me and have conversations with me. 'Cause that's the thing, they're dead."

"Hello, earth to Bob," she said, knocking on my head like it's a door. "I told you, Im dead."

I sighed, said, "If I tell you I believe you, will you leave me alone?"

Shaking her head slowly, she said, "No, I can't."

"Why?" I asked, "Why the fuck can't you?" Suddenly I was angry, and being a bit loud. A couple of kids who were drawing with chalk in the driveway across the street looked up at me.

"You might want to watch out," she said, "To them, it looks like you're talking to yourself. Not what normal people do."

"Oh really?" I asked her, then yelled across to the street, "Hey kids? Do you see anyone next to me?"

Both of them shook their heads no.

"You positive? You don't see a girl a little bit shorter than me with red hair?"

The shook their heads again, and this time the older one (He's a six-year-old) said in a very rude tone, "Aren't you a bit old to have an imaginairy friend?"

So maybe she really was dead. But I was hoping that any second now everyone would start laughing and this Sam girl would say, "Haha, pranked you!"

Obviously it wasn't going to happen. All I could do was walk the rest of the way back to my house, ignoring Sam. I ignored her while I did homework, while I watched a war movie with my dad, all through dinner, but at ten p.m. I just had to ask, "When the fuck are you going to leave me alone?"

A sly grin had crept up on her face, and she said, "That's the thing. Something's making me stay here with you."

"Well tell that something that it's a free country and you can do what you want. So go away," I replied.

"Don't be silly," she told me. "I /want /to be here with you."

She didn't go away. And yeah, with a dead girl hovering over me all night, I slept like a baby. Not.

Yay, new chapter :)
reveiw please! I want to know if anyone's even enjoying this, and be honest, because I have a lot of other ideas and I'd rather start those than continue one that sucks.
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