Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > Precious


by flying_angel 1 review

Kairi learns Ryuuzaki's dirty little secret....and more problems arise!

Category: Death Note - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: L - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-16 - Updated: 2008-07-16 - 1129 words

hey peeps! i was just re-reading all my previous chapters, and i am sooooo sorry about all the mistakes! no wonder nobody reviewed! well, it's all fixed now, so some reviews would really be appreciated! one other thing. i know i've been confusing you with all the changes i've been making to the story line, but just a head's up. i will be continuing to do the P.O.V., but instead of person? i'll be doing it in 1st person. i tried working with third person, but i'm more comfortable writing in 1st person, so sorry about all the changes!

Kairi's P.O.V.

I get up from the computer and put my things in my book bag. I wave goodbye, but he doesn't look up. He never does. I walk outside down the alley, head hung low. I pause to see if he will come, if he will run after me. He doesn't. He never does. I trudge on. That's all I want....someone to run after tell me to stay....all I want...

I woke up feeling very battered. I had a headache for some reason. And I had the same dream again. Ugh. Then it all came back. The alley and the biker gang, Ryuuzaki saving me...Ryuuzaki. I had accidentally punched him in the eye. I had to stifle a giggle remembering that one. But then I remembered what had happened after coming back.

I slowly sat up and put my head in my hands. I had broken down in front of Ryuuzaki.... that must have made me look like a baby. And I also tried to punch a wall in his hole. I am so dumb, I thought to myself. After wallowing in self-pity and embarrassment, I looked around. I was in a simple bed pushed up against the wall. There was a big window and a desk. And a big chair.

this Ryuuzaki's room,]/ thought to myself. [/Doesn't have much.... I picked up a slip of paper on the desk.


This is my room, but I do not sleep often, so you can keep it for the time being. I must attend to some business, but you are free to roam around the building, but take one precaution: DO NOT let anyone other than Watari and I. You may wander around the building, but please remain inside. I shall try to see you as soon as possible. Watari has left you some food, and I hope it shall be to your liking. Stay safe.


I grinned. I was right; it was his room. Then I also noticed a bowl of fruit on the table, a plate of pancakes with syrup, and a bowl of sugar cubes. Ryuuzaki's touch, alright! Right then I realized how hungry I really was! I'm glad no one saw me, because I wolfed down the pancakes and an apple like there was no tomorrow! One thing I thought was strange was that the pancakes were warm when I started eating them, so Watari must have brought them up shortly before I woke up.

Ryuuzaki said I was free to roam around, as long as no one saw me. So tip-toeing quietly, I snuck out of the room. I was walking towards the end of the hallway when I heard voices from a room. I knew it was wrong to listen in on conversations, but I was curious! I couldn't help it! I pressed my ear to the door and listened hard.

"I know, I know, Watari." I know that voice! It was Ryuuzaki! He sounded tired, though. I went back to listening.

"I'm just concerned about you." That was Watari. "I am glad you have found a friend, but I don't want her to affect the Kira case."

Me. They were talking about me. What would Ryuuzaki say? Would he come to my rescue?

"Yes, it is true. I acted on the spur of the moment, but I had no choice. What kind of detective would I be if I let an innocent girl get hurt with my knowing? Even if I only take cases I'm interested in."

"I understand, but it is your duty as L to put your cases first.-"

I moved away from the door and just stood there. Numb. Ryuuzaki was L? The L, the greatest detective in the world? How come he hadn't told me? Shaking my head, I jogged down the end of the hallway. It was too much. I needed to think. I climbed in the elevator and pressed the button for the last floor.

Ryuuzaki's P.O.V.

I had woken up early that morning, and Watari said he wanted to speak with me. I knew what was coming.

After we were in a room down the hallway, Watari spoke.

"Ryuuzaki, it's about the girl."

I sat down and hugged my knees to my chest defensively. "I thought as much."

"I don't think she is good for you. You are starting to get distracted from the Kira case, and the others are getting restless. We have had no leads for a solid week, and Light's temper is just getting worse."

I bit my thumb in thought. "Yes...Light Yagami."

"To be frank, Kairi is a distraction."

"I know, I know Watari," I sighed. He was right.

"I am just concerned about you. I am glad you have found a friend, but I don't want her to affect the Kira case."

"Yes, it is true. I acted on the spur of the moment, but I had no choice. What kind of detective would I be if I let an innocent girl get hurt with my knowing? Even if I only take cases I'm interested in." I admitted. My toes fidgeted. Watari was backing me into a corner.

"I understand, but it is your duty as L to put your cases first."

He was right. Innocent people were dying, all because I was reminiscing with a friend. Just a friend, I reminded myself. "You are right Watari. I shall see to matters immediately."

He nodded. "Thank you."

With a feeling of dread, I walked out of the room. Once in my room, I found that it was empty, but the food had been eaten. Except the sugar cubes. I sighed and took a few.

"Can't even appreciate a sugar cube," I muttered to myself, and walked out. I had to find Kairi.

ok everybody, this chapter is done. Stay tuned! to be nice, I'll give you a little preview:

Now that she knows Ryuuzaki's secret, Kairi doesn't know what to feel. After another encounter with Ryuuzaki leaves her heartbroken, she decides to leave. But could her vivid dream come true? Stay tuned to find out!
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