Categories > Cartoons > Code Lyoko > Lyoko Redone

Prelude 1 Yumi

by magykman171 1 review

Ulrich and sissy are goin out yumi is jealous aelita is crushing on odd and jeremy! Jeremy wants aelita and odd wants sissy. on top of that they have to fight X.A.N.A and find out about franz hopper!

Category: Code Lyoko - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-16 - Updated: 2008-07-17 - 199 words

Prelude 1 Yumi
I am Yumi Ishyama. I am in the 9th grade at kadic academy. I am in love with Ulrich Stern a hot 8th grader who lives at the academy. He is a great soccer player and a great guy but i cant tell him about my feeling because he is going out with the principals daughter Sissy Delmas. i live at home with my parents.We both share a secret along with Odd Delorobia, Aelita Stones, and Jeremy Belqua. We are warriors in a virtual world called Lyoko. Our mission is to stop a computer program called X.A.N.A. We fight virtual monsters while protecting Aelita who is from Lyoko but is living in the real world.If Aelita is devirtulized in Lyoko, she will dissapere forever. We dont know why but X.A.N.A keeps send a monster called a scyphozoa after Aelita to steal her memory.I want to know so much why X.A.N.A wants Aelita memory,but Jeremy says we will just have to wait and see.

This is how it will be goin 4 da 1rst couple of chapters then we will get into the plot plz review
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