Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 1. Fire Among The Ashes

15. Fire Among The Ashes

by xoxofallenangelxoxo 0 reviews

..I wanna cry...Poor Gee..*sniff* Listening to: Bird and The Worm - The Used

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-17 - Updated: 2008-07-17 - 450 words - Complete

It had been 3 days since I was taken to hospital and finally I could leave. But I wasn't going back to Gerard's house. I went to Frank's instead. He was such a nice guy. He slept on the sofa just so I could sleep in his bed even though I tried reasoning with him. I was too scared to go back to Gerard's but I know how much of a strain I was on Frankie. He couldn't have girls over and his apartment was really small so I wasn't helping. I told Frank I was gonna leave after 2 days. He kept telling me that I wasn't bothering him but I could tell I was.
Later that day I walked round to Gerard's. I was going to get my stuff and go back to mine and Sara's apartment and hopefully never have to see him again. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There was a huge scurrying and the door flew open. Gerard looked awful. He had huge circles under his eyes and his hair was all over the place. I was expecting the stench of alcohol and cigarette smoke but there wasn't any. The house smelt...clean.
"Crissi!" Gerard exclaimed throwing his arms round me. I shuddered as he touched me.
"Gerard get off" I said trying to sound unafraid. He let me go and started sobbing.
"I'm only here to get the stuff I left here..when..ya know" I said. He wiped his eyes and looked at me.
"Aren't you coming back Crissi? This is your home" Gerard said sounding like a small child who's puppy had just died. He sounded so small and helpless and it broke my heart.
"No Gerard my home is with Sara remember? All that drinking is making you forget things Gerard." I said.
"But I've given up Crissi! I've stopped. I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since that night!" He replied.
"That doesn't change what you did to me though does it? All the pain you've put me through. Mentally and physically." I say glaring at him. He can't meet my eyes.
"But Crissi I swear I didn't mean to. I accidently let go of the trigger and it shot you. I wasn't even going to shoot Frank. It was just a way of scaring him. I was the one who called the ambulance as soon as you went unconcious!" He said his voice shaking as tears started falling down his cheeks.
"I can't take this any more. Just let me get my stuff so I can go." I say pushing past him. I get all my stuff and walk away leaving Gerard sobbing on the floor.
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