Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 1. Fire Among The Ashes

16. Fire Among The Ashes

by xoxofallenangelxoxo 0 reviews

Listening to: Liar Liar (Burn In Hell) - The Used

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-17 - Updated: 2008-07-17 - 723 words - Complete

The break up with Gerard was hard, Especially for him. He started to drink a whole lot more afterwards. We never saw him any more. I took up smoking to help me cope. I know I shouldn't have but I did. It doesn't really help but I'm trying to think that it does. I mean if I think that, It'll stop me from having the breakdown i'm on th edge of having. It's kinda sad for the others cos they can't practice any more since Gee isn't on vocals. Frankie can sing, But he is nowhere as good as Gee was. I've been doing vocals for them while Gee is getting wasted, But I can't scream like he does. Somehow without him, We're not My Chemical Romance. Anyway, We had to carry on, And we did. Just.
A few months later...
We were all hanging out in the studio. I was helping Mikey put away all the equipment. Mikey had just gone to go unlock the van when there was a yell. In a few seconds Ray crashed to the floor with Frankie on top of him. Ray was trying to push him off but Frankie is really strong. We all start laughing and Frankie looks up at me with an evil look in his eye.. Uh oh.
I didn't even get a chance to run! He leapt up and in a flash I was on the floor with him sitting on me.
"ALL PILE ON CRISSI!!" He screams.
"What? No!" I shout but too late. I was squished under the guys. We were all laughing lying on the floor when Mikey rushes in eyes wide and panicky.
"Crissi, Guys quick!" He shouts grabbing his jacket.
"Mikey whats wrong?" I ask jumping up. He shakes his head.
"Just get your coat and follow me! Its Gerard, He's in hospital. He might be dying!" He rushes running out the door. I stand still shellshocked. Frankie grabs my hand and pulls me out the studio. We all jump into the van and speed off to the hospital. Its only a few minutes away but the ride seems to take a lifetime. As soon as the van stops I'm out the car and running inside. I can be quick when I want to. I get inside the hospital but freeze. I'd forgotten that hospitals totally freaked me out. Mikey quickly asks the receptionist where Gerard Way is and she tells us. We run up endless flights of stairs until we're finally in the intensive care wards. We found ward 13 and were about to go inside when a nurse appeared.
"Woah woah! Hold on! Mr. Way is in a bad shape right now. One at a time please" She said folding her arms. I immeadiatly look over at Mikey.
"Mikey you should go in first. You are family." I say even though my voice is trembling. He nods and goes inside shutting the door behind him. I sit donw on the hard plastic chair and immediatly burst into tears. Frank quickly sits next to me and outs his arms round me and Ray takes my hand. Bob leaves to find a pay phone to call Gerard's parents. He returns a few minutes later looking defeated.
"Nobody answered. They must be out. I left a message telling them what happened and all the details. I just hope the get here before..." He says but suddenly stops. I look up to see Frank giving him warning glares. I know what he was going to say anyway and that makes me cry even more. Frank hugs me close to him.
"Shhh darling it'll be fine" He says into my hair.
"But Frankie, This is all my fault. I shouldn't have broken up with him. He's gonna die Frank and it's all because of me! But I still love him Frankie. I love him.." I say as he starts rocking me back and forward. Suddenly Mikey comes back out. His eyes are red and his face is tearstained.
"Crystal you can go in now" He says and sniffs. I stand up and hug him. He starts to cry on my shoulder. Frank puts an arm round him and lead him to a chair. I rub my eyes and take a deep breath before pushing the door open to Gerard's hospital room.
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