Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Cabin Fever

Chapter Three

by TheTrohmanator121 1 review

update to the story finally!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-07-17 - Updated: 2008-07-18 - 1266 words - Complete

The days went by, and before We knew it Christmas was here. All our parents, along with Pete’s siblings, and Kevin joined us up in the cabin. We all watched as the kids opened their presents, along with each other. Joe’s and my parents had bought our unborn daughter some clothes, along with toys. As the night progressed, We all headed into the dinning room, where We had made Christmas dinner.

“So have you two thought of a name yet for your daughter?” Asked Mrs. Trohman.

“Well We were thinking of Isabella, or Bella for short.” Joe said rubbing my stomach.

“Awe! That’s a beautiful name!” My mom, and Joe’s mom said at the same time. The two of us smiled, and we all finished eating.

When it started getting really late, we kissed our families good-bye, and went to bed early. We all had to be up early because, we were leaving the cabin, and heading to the airport going to Europe for the AK-47 Tour for the boys, along with Decaydance bands.

“Alright, we’re all packed! Katie, Mark come here, you guys need to be bundled up. Europe is very cold this time of year and Your father and I do not want you getting sick.” I said watching as the kids bundled themselves up.

Joe walked over and wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on mine. “How are you feeling baby?” He asked as I rested my head on his chest.

“A little nauseous, but that’s all part of being pregnant. When are we leaving?” I asked.

“Once your brother and sister in law finish beating it in the bedroom.” He replied with a smirk on his face, knowing I hated it when I hear about my brothers sex life.

“Are you trying to make me throw up Joseph?” I asked covering my mouth.
Joe chuckled, and kissed my forehead. “I’ll go load up the car with these. Kids go downstairs and wait with Mommy.” he said grabbing our suitcases. I grabbed the kids stuff and followed them down the stairs.

“I already have a little nephew who I absolutely adore, but I don’t want another one so soon. So get your butts downstairs, We’re leaving.” I said banging on the door. I laughed when I heard groans come from the other side, and two figures emerged from behind it. I smiled, and pulled the two of them outside.

It was around two when we had sat down at the waiting area outside our gate where our plane was at. The kids were all running around the area excited to watch the planes take off. Joe and I stood next to one of the windows watching as one of the planes were landing. Joe had his arms, and jacket wrapped around me trying to keep warm.

“Just think about it, you and me sitting in a hotel room in Italy for two days!” I said smiling into his chest. I felt him nod, and then kiss my forehead.

“Your forehead is warm. Are you feeling okay, other then morning sickness?” He asked feeling my forehead then stomach to see if I was warm anywhere else.

“I’m fine baby. It’s probably just your hot breath blowing on my forehead.” I said pulling away from him. “The plane is here. Katie, Mark lets go!” yelled over to the kids.

I handed the flight attendant the kids and my plane tickets and boarded the plane followed by the others. The plane was bigger then I expected it to be. The seats looked like they were for once going to be comfortable. Joe the kids and I took our usual seats in the near back, and relaxed. An eighteen hour plane ride to London should be peaceful as long as the kids sleep, and I don’t feel nauseous.

“Hey kids you need to be buckled up before the plane can take off.” Joe said reaching over to buckle them up. “Hey Patrick did you bring your DS so we can battle each other for eighteen hours like the old days?” He laughed.

“Joseph my dear brother in law…OF COURSE I BROUGHT IT!” He said pulling it out. “Let the games begin!” With that the two of them battled each other in Mario Cart.

“Hey I want to join in on the Mario Cart game.” Pete whined from the seat in front of us.

“Did someone say Mario Cart?” Asked Andy from behind Patrick.

I laughed as they all became their old selves from before We all were married.

[/-flashback to the Nintendo Fusion tour.-

“Joe you suck at this game.” Patrick yelled from the bunks.

“I know” Joe yelled back.

“Dude, I just kicked your ass. KICKED. YOUR. ASS.” Joe yelled dramatically.

“I swear if you kick my ass one more time, I will beat your ass.” Pete said restarting the game.

“Chloe, you are much better at this kung foo shit then I am.” Andy said not looking up from his DS.

“Yeah I know! That is why You love me!” I said with a smirk on my face.

-end of flashback-/]
I watched as Pete was once again beat by Joe, Patrick and Andy all gaining up on him.

“Hey no gang bangs please and thank you!” Pete groaned.

“Ok let your wife play now Joe.” I said taking the game from him. I groaned as I was the first one to die off of the game. “I give up, it’s too hard now.” I said giving Joe back the game.

“Oh kids look what movie they’re showing. The Nightmare Before Christmas!” I said.

“SAY WHAT NOW?” Pete said turning around. “OH MY GOD. It’s the 3-D version too!” He added grabbing the 3-D glasses from the stewardess.

I shook my head when they offered me glasses. I was going to use this time to catch up on my sleep. I rested my against the back of my seat, and fell into a deep sleep moments later.

I don’t know how long I was asleep but the next thing I knew We had landed and I was sitting on a bench outside the airport. Joe must have carried me out. I stood up and walked over to him.

“Where’s the tour bus at?” I asked before yawning.

“It’s on its way. You sure do sleep a lot.” Joe said watching me yawn a third time.

“Yeah well time changing isn’t so much fun.” I said before picking Katie up to let her sleep more peaceful in my arms. I looked around and saw the others wondering around the area.

A few minutes later the giant tour bus showed up. The five kids jumped on the bus, and called the five bunks in the back area of the bus. Thank god for the 12 bunks in the bus. Joe called the bunk next to me on the middle part. The others jumping in the top, and bottom ones below us. As soon as we laid down, we were all dead asleep. Just the wait We should be this late at night….or should I say so early in the morning?

(UPDATE!! Hope you all enjoy.Now I shall head off to bed seeing as it is 2:34 am.G'night,and you will be seeing more of this story soon. I have a lot of ideas for this part of the story,especially when they go to Rome! While In Rome,Do what the Romans do!)
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