Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Raven Goes To Hogwarts

Chapter 5

by sargentaaron2004 2 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-20 - Updated: 2008-07-20 - 857 words

Disclaimer, Teen Titans is copyright of Warner Brothers and Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling. and I own nothing, but atleast it's a big fat nothing! Actually I own this story lol.

Chapter 5


Beast boy had just entered london, he could smell the exhaust fumes as he flew high above the city, the sun was just setting with a unique blend of orange and yellows against the greyish sky. Beast Boy landed on the northest tower of the Tower of London and morphed back into human form, he called out to no-one, "Argent? Are you here? I really must speak to you on a matter of great importancy." At that moment, a stairwell appeared in the middle of the floor, he thought that this was a slight waste of time, but if anyone can help him, it's her.

Beast Boy decended down the stairs, they creaked and rattled as he stepped, he finally reached the bottom where there was quite a large room, it was like a huge studio apartment. At a large desk there was a quill writing onto a piece of old paper, that was when he saw Argent step out from an adjoining room. "Sorry, had to use the girls room, what is it that you want?" Argent asked.

"Raven took off, she left only a note with barely even a clue as to her where-abouts, she said she was going away to learn to control her magic."

"So why are you here?" Argent repied coldly.

Beast Boy's patience was fading, "You know magic, Britain is the hub of ancient tales of witches and magics and monsters, surely you know where one would go to study magic."

"My my Beast Boy, you are smarter than you seem, ok come closer." Argent said gesturing for him to sit down. Beast boy sat down on the bed next to where she sat and waited for her to continue.

"Ok, i shouldn't really tell you this but seeing as it's for Raven who I owe a big favour to, there is a school, a magical enchanted school, invisible to the world of humans."

Beast Boy interjected quickly, "where is this school? how do I find it if I can't see it?"

"Calm down, I was getting to that," Argent said eying him closely, "As I said it is invisible to humans, but when the Castle was made, so was a secret path into the castle, one of the founders Helga Hufflepuff, made a prophecy that there will come a time when a non-magical human, a 'muggle', would need to enter the magical world, however, she did not mention what he or she looked like she just told everyone the tale, the tale became legend, the legend became myth, but I think you are that human, before I take you to where myth says the path is, I must tell you, there is a war going on in the magic realm."

"What kind of war?" Beast Boy asked.

"Well, the evil side is lead by Voldemort, a guy much like the sort of person Hitler was, hellbent on 'purity'," Argent started, The good side is lead by a man called Dumbledore, he is the headmaster of the school I told you about, and everyone else is neutral, most of them just too scared to choose sides.

"Ok, don't worry about me, i'll stay hidden.

"Good, I will take you to where the path is ment to be."

Argent took him by the hand and with a pop they disappeared.

They reappeared with a loud bang, and Beast Boy was thrown into a nearby wall, only by means of a quick morph into a cat was able to null the impact by landing on his paws on the wall then landing softly on the ground, he then morphed back into his human form and helped Argent up, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, just apparation doesn't work too well when it's cold, especially when your trying to get to somewhere you have never been and only seen in pictures." Argent replied.

"Ok, is the path through there?" Beast Boy asked pointing into the cave.

"Yeah, sorry, but this is where I leave you, only Humans can pass into the cave entrance, but the path is said to be treacherous, there was once a great English explorer who attempted to map the vast network of caves, but when he returned he wrote on the wall, that no one else should try and enter, for the way is cursed." Argent said pointing at the old English text. "It has also been theorised by the ministry of magic upon hearing the explorer's tale first hand, that only the one in the prophecy will know the way.

"How can I know the way? I have never been here!" Beast Boy asked.

"Then you will find the way, good luck Beast Boy." Argent replied apparating.

Beast Boy stepped into the cave, saying something like 'I hope Raven appreciates this'.


Please Review

This is my last finished chapter, the next one isn't finiashed. Critisism is welcome, I thrive on reviews, so review damit!
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