Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Untitled Story of My Untitled Life

My Untitled Story of My Untitled Life

by 2shots2thehead 2 reviews

This is the story i said i would put up a long time here it is the story of a girl named Maxxi....and wat happend during her life....yep thats about it......

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-06-08 - Updated: 2008-06-08 - 230 words

Well to start from the beggining to where everything happend would mean that I, Maxxi the girl who would become a groupie to the band currently known as My Chemical Romance, would have to skip all the fun stuff. So we are instead going to start from before the very beggining....

"Hey! That's mine!!!" I cried as the taller boy grabbed my precious doll with the sharp pointy teeth out of my grasp.
"Well well well. Look what we have here! A vampire?! Well aren't you just a little ball of sunshine!" Mr. Taller-than-me spoke as if he were the almighty superior of all that was ever created, and in english he spoke down to me in a booming voice scaring the fucking shit out of me, and causing me to cry me eyes out.
"Give it back to her!" Said some other kid who came out of pretty much no where. He had glasses
that were black and messy brown hair. He wore a black benie, a black 'Antherax' shirt, and black
skinny jeans. Not to mention his black and white pinstriped converse that looked exactly like mine. My hero, I thought to myself as the boy pounced on the tall dude and tried to get my doll back.

urrgh!!!!!!! i have to get off the computer now but i promise ill update this chappie asap!!!! review plz!!!!!!!!!
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