Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > From Dusk 'Till Dawn

Chapter 10

by arquero333 3 reviews

Chapter 10

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-23 - Updated: 2008-07-24 - 1285 words

Okay, thanks for the reviews so far guys! :P I'm pretty damn happy with the next few chapters :P
Just to clear something up real quick, if I start posting my other, currently unnamed, story, I won't stop posting this one. It'll just give you guys something to read while I'm writing this one lol. So no worries. Whether I post the other one or not, this one will continue. :)


~Third Person POV~
The door collapsed and everyone in the house heard a scream. Not just any scream, but the scream of a pissed off vampire. William barged in and saw Patrick and Pete sitting on the couch with their heads turned towards the door in shock. Brendon was standing outside, mentally calling as many vampires as he could to come help. He rushed in behind William just as Pete and Patrick came to their senses and jumped up, prepared for a fight. Joe ran out of the kitchen wearing an apron, oven mits and a spatula. When he saw the two vampires, he held up his fists, still wearing the oven mits and holding the spatula.
"Fuckin hunters." William spat. "You think you can stop me?" He laughed, menacingly before lunging at the closest one, Pete. Pete was in a defensive stance, but due to William's strength, he knocked Pete down like he was a fly. Patrick started to attack William while he was focused on Pete, but Brendon ran towards him, attacking him first.

~Cali's POV~
I woke up when I heard a loud bang and a scream from downstairs. Andy shot up in bed.
"What was that?" I asked him. He ignored me and jumped out of bed, throwing on the first pants he could find.
"Stay here." He said, before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. I could hear thumps from downstairs and I wanted to know what was going on. I waited, impatiently, for someone to come get me or tell me that everything was okay, but no one did. I got up and left the room.

~Third Person POV~
Andy ran down the stairs and he saw Pete get thrown to the side of the room and a vampire attacking Patrick. He reached the bottom just as a few more vampires ran into the room. The vampire he recognized as William, the leader of the Dandies, looked at them.
"Get the girl, but don't hurt her." He said, right before defending himself against Joe, who had attempted to sneak up on him. Two of the vampires nodded and started to run towards the stairs.
"I don't fucking think so." Andy yelled as they ran towards him. Patrick was thrown into a chair and it shattered. He groaned in pain, but picked up a piece of wood that broke off to use as a make shift stake. Joe had discovered that his spatula could be used as a weapon, and was using it to attack the vampires that tried to get to close to him. Pete was failing miserably, but everyone had their own problems to deal with. More vampires flooded into the house and William just laughed, seeing how outnumbered the hunters were.
Cali crept towards the top of the stairs and she could hear the sounds of fighting and she could see shadows on the wall of people fighting. She put two and two together and tried to peak in the living room. in her vision she could see Andy fighting two guys. Andy was fighting like he knew karate, barely keeping the two guys off of him. Pete was getting his ass handed to him. She could hear laughing but she wasn't sure who it was. Just then she saw one of the people look towards her and smile... not in a good way. The person ran faster than she had ever seen up the stairs towards her. She tried to run, but he was too fast. Another one of them was suddenly in front of them. Cali screamed as he grabbed her and the other guy and they disappeared from the house.
"Cali!" Pete yelled as he heard her scream. All four of the guys glanced towards where the scream had come from and they tried to make their way towards where Cali was.
William closed his eyes briefly to sense if she was still in the house, which she wasn't. He laughed and teleported upstairs. He went into Cali's room and started to pack some of her clothes.

~Pete's POV~
I heard Cali scream upstairs.
"Cali!" I yelled. I started trying to make my way upstairs, through the vampires.
"We have to work together to get to her." Patrick yelled towards me as he stabbed a vampire in the chest. We all agreed, Andy and I fought our way towards each other. Once we got there, Andy covered while I ran upstairs. He was taking on four vampires at once know. We both knew that I'd be useless cover, so it was unspoken that he'd fight while I went to Cali.
I reached the top of her stairs and didn't see anything. Cali's door was open and light was coming out of it. I ran towards her door and saw Beckett, the leader of the vampires. He was packing Cali's clothes in a bag.
"What the fuck are you doing? Wheres my sister?" I screamed at him. He turned around with a smirk.
"Well, your darling sister is currently in a dark room in my mansion, wondering where the hell she is and whats going on." He chuckled and went back to packing. Cocky bastard.
"Let her go." I said.
"Now Pete, why would I do that?" He put the bag down and turned to me. "Heres whats going to happen. I am going to go to Cali, tell her all these great lies I've concocted in my head about you four so she'll never want to see you again. But the best part is, the one that will upset her the most, will be the one I didn't have to make up. I simply just have to tell her the truth about her parents death." He smirked,
"Don't fucking tell her a thing! I had to! They were vampires, just like you. And I'm going to have to kill you, just like them!" I screamed and lunged at him. He disappeared from where he was standing before I got to him. I stood there in shock... Did he leave?
"Don't make me hurt you, boy." I heard him behind me. I turned around and he was laying on Cali's bed. "I really don't want to have to tell Cali her dear brother has died in a fight that cold have been prevented if they weren't cold blooded killers." I jumped at him again, but no luck. I heard him laughing from behind me. I turned around, but he wasn't there. I could still hear his laugh though. I looked up and saw him hanging off the roof.
"If you insist." He sighed and lunged onto me. He grabbed my shoulders and before I even had time to react, I felt his fangs rip through my skin. I screamed from the pain. I felt myself get weaker and weaker by the second. When I couldn't hold myself up anymore, he let me go.
"Well, goodbye Pete. Pity it had to end this way." He laughed and wiped his mouth. He picked up the bag he had been packing and disappeared. I felt my eyes drop and I slowly slipped into a sleep.... A sleep I knew I'd never wake from.

GASP-AGE! lol Stay tuned!...
nothing interesting to say here lol;
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