Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Huge Gap In The Love

Huge Gap In The Love

by 2106punkrocker 0 reviews

Katharine Page-18-with her friends went on fun road trip touring with their punk rock friends---Green Day. While on tour, they met another band---My Chemical Romance, throughout the time spent tog...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Published: 2008-07-24 - Updated: 2008-07-25 - 458 words


“Hey, you guys ready yet? We are all ready set and go now.” Billie Joe called from downstairs by the front door.
A chorus of “Yes! We are ready!” was the response. With that, Billie Joe’s wife---Adrienne, a.k.a Addie, came down the stairs with bags, followed by five teenage girls, who are really close friends to Green Day, and their wife and girlfriends. Katharine, Emily, Charlie, Katie and Vicki are following Green Day on tour, on the Vans Warped Tour.
“Hey…Mike, Tre…Brittney…How are you all, my dear friends!” Katharine said.
They all hugged each other out and kissed each other’s cheeks.
“It’s so good you guys can come. It would be so fun!” Tre stated happily.
“I know…we are all so happy too!” Emily stated, on behalf of the others as well.
“You guys are going to meet so many other bands, too. It’s going to be great for you all to make friends with all other great bands.” Mike said.
They all…carrying their rucksacks and bags, got onto a black security van, and drove off on their way to the bus bay at Reprise Records, they waved good-bye to Billie Joe’s kids and mother.
“So what bands are we going to meet and see?” Charlie asked.
“Loads and loads! You especially have to meet the My Chemical Romance guys! They are really great guys, they really are.” Billie Joe replied.
“They are coming with us on our world tour straight after the Vans Warped Tour.” Tre stated.
“Oh…wow…that’s so cool! We all love their music. We have always wanted to meet them!” Katie said excitedly.
They all began chatting and talking to each other.
“You guys should be grateful that we five are able to accompany you guys on this long wild touring.” Emily said.
“Plus…you guys are like our sisters…you guys are so mature and responsible. You are fun to be with, but also give us good advice and great counseling.” Billie Joe said.
They grinned.
“It’s lucky and brilliant that me and Charlie both just graduated from Cambridge. So this is like a long holiday for us.” Katharine said.
“Yeah…definitely…Well done, you two by the way, for finish studying at Cambridge. We are all so proud!” Billie Joe said.
They all grinned and laughed, and continued talking and chatting. Katharine and Charlie are the smartest of them all, both newly Cambridge graduates, and now off away for a year or two to get themselves a very long, deserving break and they are very looking forward to what’s ahead.
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