Categories > Original > Humor > The Diary of a crazed Teenager

September 20

by Tirren 1 review

The thoughts of a loner in middle school. That kid you swear's glaring at you from across the room.

Category: Humor - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Published: 2006-02-26 - Updated: 2006-02-26 - 195 words

September 20

It's 12:30 and I'm glaring at the science teacher Mr. Coker I see two guys in the corner of my eye trying to set someone on fire. Or just set themselves on fire which would be a real help to everyone in this room because it's the two most annoying people in this tiny town. Gordon Hingie and Isaac Tins. I don't know either of them personally, but they have bad vibes. Have a mentioned I'm psychic? Well I am. BELIEVE IT BITCH! Mr. Coker's trying to calm the class down. Which never works because he is a failure his life should of ended after he stopped playing football. Jocks suck at all things and always will. I admit I also suck at everything school wise, aside from writing which is my only expertise. Oh God we're doing a Lab which means. I have to socialize with someone I don't know. Let's see someone who'll keep their mouth shut and do all the work for me. Ah Katie, she's sort of a dork no offense to her, but I know no one's going to want to be her partner. Anyway I better put this up.
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