Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > ~*~Fly like an angel...~*~Part II

Wedding plans on overdrive.

by Meg2005 3 reviews

And the planning begins...the next chapter is so cute!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-07-28 - Updated: 2008-07-28 - 633 words - Complete



‘Alright so…we have our colors picked out and the wedding dress design.’ Holly said as they all sat around an outside table at a small café the next day consisting of Brendon and Grace’s mom, Grace’s sister in law Bridgette, Holly, and of course, Grace.

‘That’s all you’ve gotten done Gracie?’ her mom asked.

‘Yeah, I’ve kind of been putting off planning this for a while.’

‘Really? We couldn’t tell you guys have been engaged for almost a year.’

‘Where do you want to get married at?’

‘We were thinking a beach in Northern California.’

‘Alright, that can be done. I’ll call Tim King later and see if we can use his beach house just west of Napa.’

‘Have you picked anything else?’


‘Alright then we probably need to get started on that stuff soon. Have you two gotten engagement pictures taken yet?’

‘Yes, we got them done before Holly and Ryan sent out or engagement party invitations.’

‘I’ll call Brooke Robinson and book her for the weekend of your wedding.’

‘Okay.’ Grace said.

‘The next thing to do is decide who is in your wedding.’ Grace’s mom said.

‘Holly, Megan, and Bridgette as brides’ maids, Addy as the flower girl, John Edward as the ring barer, I’m assuming Mason, Matthew, Ryan, Tom, Spencer, and Jon will also be in the wedding. He has more groomsmen then I have bride’s maids.’

‘Alright well that’s out of the way. We need to get the boys in for an initial fitting for the tux.’

‘We need to pick some tuxes first.’


‘We can do that if you guys want while you guys make an appointment for pictures and call the guy at the beach.’ Holly said.

‘Sounds great.’

‘Have you guys made appointments to register yet?’ Bridgette asked.

‘No, I’m thinking Tiffany’s, crate and barrel, and Macy’s maybe?’

‘I’ll call and make your appointments.’ Bridgette said.

‘Let me call Brendon really fast to see when he can go.’ Grace pulled out her iphone and dialed her honey’s number.

Hello.’ Grace could hear guitar tones and laughing in the background.

‘Hey Beary it’s me.’

‘Hey baby.’ Brendon smiled as he stepped out of the studio to talk to her.

‘Hey, so we’re sitting here at lunch working on things for the wedding. Bridgette is going to call and make an appointment for us to register. When is a good time for you in the next couple of months?’

‘February is a great month for me; I don’t have much of anything going on.’

‘Alright, we’ll do February. Thanks babe, I’ll see you later.’

‘I love you.’

‘I love you too babe.’ Grace said before pressing the end button on her iphone. ‘Brendon said February is good for him. He doesn’t have much going on.’

‘Great, I’ll make the appointments for sometime in February.’

‘Great. Holly, are you ready to go?’

‘Yeah, let’s go, we’ve got a lot of work to do.’ Holly said grabbing her large, Channel bag.

‘I’ve also got to find something to wear for our engagement party tomorrow night as well.’

‘Oh don’t worry about that, I’ve taken care of your dress.’ Holly smiled.

‘What did you do?’

‘Ryan and I are throwing your engagement party but we haven’t gotten you guys an engagement gift so I got you a dress to wear for your party tomorrow.’

‘I love having a designer for a best friend.’ Grace smiled. Grace and Holly got into Grace’s car and began the trip to pick out the tuxedos for the boys.

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