Categories > Original > Romance > The Missing Piece

Out of This World

by bellaluvsnick 0 reviews

Ok so I am stoked to write this chapter. I'm reall just making this up as I go along so even I'm a little suprised with what I'm coming up with. I really can't stand it anymore so I'm naming this c...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2008-07-28 - Updated: 2008-07-29 - 750 words

"Wow, this is nice." Denise Jonas said as she walked into the empty lobby of the hotel, "It's quiet, that's new to me!"

She checked her family in and headed back out to help bring everthing in.


"Let's go swimming" Alexiz said as ahe pulled he swim suit out of her bag and went in to the bathroom to change.

Izzi and Bridget did the same.

They decided to give Bridget a birthday party at the hotel Alexiz's uncle owned. They had gotten an after hours pool pass so the could stay all night if they wanted. They're weren't very many people at the hotel this particular weekend anyway.

They were gathering up towels and anything else they thought they would needed. Alexiz grabbed her ipod and speakers, "What a party without a little music?" she said as the left the roomand headed sown the hall to the pool.


"Ahhhh," Joe said flopping down on to the bed as the entered the hotel room, "a bed that doesn't move"

"Get up Joe," Kevin said attempting to roll his brother off the bed, "Let's do someting, like....swimming I bet this place has a pool."

"Dude, its freezing outside."Nick said a light snow had began to fall.

"Indoor pool?"

"Oh yea. Still guys I'm not really in a swimming mood."

"Oh c'mon Little Nicky Poo," Joe said in a mocking baby voice, "Pease. I'll be your best friend."

"Yea, me too, Little Nicky Poo!" Kevin said, walking over and pinching Nick's cheeks,"Oh, I just love pinching your cheeks! Oh, you have the cutest cheeks. Oh-"

"Okay guys stop!" Nick said as the continued, "You aren't going to stop until say yes, are you?"

"Nope." Joe said, diving on to the bed next to the brothers, "please, Little Nicky-"

"Okay. Fine as long as you promise never to call me 'Little Nicky Poo' again."

"Yay,"Joe said tackling Nick in a hug, "I love you, Little Ni-", he straighened up and cleared his throat, "I mean thank you, Nicolas."

They changed and headed down to the pool.


"Lex, you are a genius." Bridget said, "This water feels great! You guys are the best a girl could ask for!"

"Thanks Bee! I'm accually kinda having fun. Not one bit of Jonas ANYWHERE!"

About that time the song "Out of this Word" began to play.

It was cloudy on that night
There were no stars in sight
Then the planets are aligned
When i saw her eyes
One look thats all it took
To send me to another galaxy

She said she was on her way to Mars
Then she ran into a star
And she fell into my arms
Thank you gravity
Never let her go
I hide her UFO
She'll never have to know
She's my space girl
And she's out of this world

"Oh gee, I spoke to soon didn't I?"

"Oh just tune it out and enjoy yourself some more."Lex said jumping in the pool.

We were watching Star Wars
She looked kinda bored
Said she'd seen it all before
Made me wonder even more
Which universe was hers
What galaxy did she call home

She was on her way to Mars
Then she ran into a star
And she fell into my arms
Thank you gravity
Never let her go
I hide her UFO
She'll never have to know
She's my space girl
And she's out of this world

"Hey, look theres some more people.....oooooooh they're guys!" Bridget said and pointed to the glass door at the far end of the pool room.

"Uh Bee, those aren't just any guys." Alexiz said with a worried look on her face


"You, guys know how long its been since we last swam?" Joe said inhaling the strong scent of clorine.

"A Long time." Kevin said

"Hey look there's people in here." Joe said glancing back at Nick,"And they're girls, Nick."


Joe pushed open the door and stripped off his shirt and did a running cannonball into the pool.


"Show off. I'll show you a real cannonball." Kevin said doing the same.

Nick couldn't move. The three girls standing on the other side of the pool barely noticed the splashes of water from his brothers. They were watching him. Espcially the girl in the standing on the edge.

"Hello ladies." Joe said swimmimg over to them, "I'm Joe Jonas and these are my brothers Nick and Kevin.

"Fancy seeing you three here.'' Lex said
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