Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Day My Life Changed Completly

Not Okay.

by xXi_luv_gerardXx 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2008-07-28 - Updated: 2008-07-29 - 222 words

"Rachel don't worry about it, its not like hes gonna hate you."

Rachel sighed. "But..."

"Don't worry. Just say what you need to say." Chris said, reassuring her. She had been nervous since they left the hotel. She looks so cute when she's nervous, He thought, watching her. But she looked almost scared. Like a little kid that got lost. Come to think of it... she looks like that a lot.

"Gerard calm down."

"No! I can't! Dude she probably hates me!"

"Just apologize. Tell her everything you did wrong and tell her you're sorry. Let her know how much you love her."

"What if she won't forgive me?"

Frank sighed. "Look, it's gonna be alright. Just hope for the best. If things go wrong, I'll talk to her."

"Thanks," Gerard said, biting his nails.

"Don't do that it's disgusting," Frank said looking away.

"I know."

"Stop it..."

Gerard laughed. "Make me."

"Fine." Frank jumped out his seat and tackled Gerard, slapping his face and hands.

"Frank get off of me!"

"Make me."

"I hope you two are just messing around," Bob said walking in.

"We are," Frank said. He was now sitting comfortably on top of Gerard's back. "What's wrong? You look upset."

Bob turned away. "Nothing I'm fine," he said walking out.

Gerard looked up at Frank. "He's not fine."
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