Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Your My Final Reason For Insanity, Boy.

Chapter 3

by poetictragedy 1 review

Music: Cut Up Angels - The Used

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-29 - Updated: 2008-07-29 - 1078 words

Chapter 3

I kept my head down, walking briskly through the tightly packed crowd of the school hallways, trying to keep myself interested in the ongoing pattern of tiles on the floor but failing miserably. Today was Monday, quite possibly the worst day of the school week. As I heard the school bell ring above my head I quickened my pace to my locker, hoping to get my books out and bolt to my first class on time before I copped yet another detention.

I stopped by some large, metal school lockers and quickly found my one, punching in the combination quickly and opening the locker, shoving my jacket inside and pulling out my history book before slamming it back shut again. I started a run toward the classroom, pushing past the seniors dragging their feet before taking a left and running up the stairs as fast as I could without tripping over. I gripped the railing, hoping to keep myself up until I reached the top where I turned a right and skidded to a stop outside my classroom. I stopped for about 3 seconds, breathing in and out slowly and pushing back my hair to make it look as though I casually walked in, as though I wasn’t running late and pushed open the wooden door with, ‘Miss Clamptin’ stuck on the front in big capitol letters.

“Ahh Miss Heston, you’ve made it right on the bell.” She said, smiling from her desk without even glancing at the doorway. I rolled my eyes and shifted my bag on my back, walking toward my desk on the far right hand side of the classroom, hating being seated in alphabetical order and hating the chairs we had to fucking sit on. I could feel some eyes burning into the back of my head and cringed slightly as I finally found my seat and sat down next to a girl who’s name was Pheonix. She was blonde, had what I saw were piercing blue eyes and never really talked to me much unless she was asking what the teacher had said or what the homework was when she had taken the day off. She was pretty shy I guess. I sat my bag underneath the desk and unzipped it, taking out my history book and pencil-case, placing them on the desk in front of me and pulling my chair in. I looked around, noticing still some people watching me as I rested my elbow on the table and my face against my hand, who continued to stare even though I was looking straight back at them.

Had they nothing better to do? I understand it’s history but come on, at least write down some notes on what I have a hunch the teacher is explaining about the French Revolution. I shook my head to myself, opening up my book to a fresh page and pulling out a pen so I could start copying down what the teacher was now writing on the board. Is it weird to smell paper? I don’t know. I frowned at myself as I took in the scent of the fresh page, shrugging and continuing what I was doing.

History was long, dragging on for what 45 minutes felt like 145. I could have screamed at someone by the time it was finished, packing up my shit as fast as possible before jogging through the mass of tables and chairs to reach the door. I pushed it open and began to run down the hall to meet my second class but ran smack bang into someone, knocking the books out of their hands and giving me the fright of my life. I stood back, shaking my head and looked up to see who I had run into. I was met with the most amazing pair of hazel-green eyes, staring at me blankly as though they could see right through me. I shivered at the thought, suddenly becoming uncomfortable and bent down to pick up the books he had dropped.
“I’ll do it.” He mumbled, dropping down himself to gather some papers that had fallen out of a clipboard he was carrying.
“No, no. I’m sorry, I wasn’t look where I was going. I’m so sorry.” I said, putting the books into a small stack and standing up to pass them over to him. He stood too and took them graciously, nodding in thanks and smiling half heartedly.
“It’s not your fault, I’m just clumsy.” He said, pushing his fringe out of his eyes before looking at me once more and continuing on his way through the hallways. I slapped myself mentally and did the same, jogging toward Math and not feeling like this was the best day I could be having. I was such an idiot, running into people in the halls so I’d get myself out of hot water I already knew I was in.


I let myself out the doors of the hallway, feeling the fresh air and sun hit my face after 4 long periods of what I like to think was unnecessary work. No longer than I had taken the first large breath of oxygen, someone pounced on my back from behind, almost knocking me to the floor.
“RAYMOND!” I yelled, turning around and standing on my tiptoes to hug him. He grinned, hugging me back.
“Zeph, I have someone to show you.” He said, stepping to the side to reveal someone quite familiar looking. “This is Frank Zeph, and Frank this is my best friend Zephyr.”
I smiled, pushing my hair out of my eyes and opening my arms for a hug.
“Hi.” I said, embracing him. He pulled back and smiled back.
“Hey.” Then as I looked at his face closely, I recognized the eyes.
“Fuck! You were the one I ran in to earlier!” I asked, covering my mouth with my hand. He smiled again and nodded, waving his hand.
“It’s cool, it was my fault anyway. Don’t worry about it.”
“What! No. It was mine, I should have looked where I was going..”
“Relax. It’s fine.” He said, smiling. Ray grinned again and pushed us closer together with each hand.
“Now who’s up for my house after school?” He asked. Frank kept his head down, staring at the grass and nodded.
“Yeah okay.” I said, agreeing to meet outside the gates when school had finished.

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