Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Your My Final Reason For Insanity, Boy.

Chapter 2

by poetictragedy 2 reviews

Music: Rhapsody On A Windy Night - The Getaway Plan

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-28 - Updated: 2008-07-28 - 1304 words

Chapter 2

I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket and lifted it out, looking at the caller id and sighing to myself.
“Hello?” I answered, putting the small mobile to my hear.
“Oh hey, where are you? I came by your house but you weren’t there.”
“I’m at the park Ray, I’ll be there in a second.” I said, starting to stand up.
“No, I’ll come by there. Stay where you are.” I could here him panting slightly as I imagined him briskly walking toward the park. I smiled.
“Okay Raymond, see you in a bit.” I heard him snigger before hanging up and I leant back against my tree again, taking another sip of my coffee.

Ray was my best friend. His hair was a bit out there, curly and poofy almost like an afro. It was cute, and I loved it even if he did get bagged out for it quite a bit. It wasn’t his fault anyway. Ray had been my best friend since year 4, when the other kids had been teasing me about my thick rimmed, black glasses and he had stood up for me. He too, wore glasses until his mum finally gave in and bought him contacts. Lucky. It’s good I only have to use them for reading though. I sipped my coffee again, thinking about the day I met Ray, when he had short curly hair instead of the awesome mass of poof he had now. I suddenly heard panting and the crunching of leaves and sticks, and looking up I was met with the taller figure of my best friend. I smiled, standing up and giving him a hug.
“Speak of the devil.” I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He grinned.
“Since when aren’t you thinking about me?” He asked, trying to smooth his hair back but resulted in it sticking up even more.

I laughed and sat down, patting the ground next to me so he sat down too.
“So how are you?” He asked. I smiled at him.
“Good. What about you?” I said, leaning back against my tree once more. He frowned, touching my knee and leaning in close to me and examining my eyes.
“You look tired to me.” He said quietly, looking into my eyes. I looked away, down at the coffee in my hands and taking another sip.
“I’m not. I’m just sick that’s all.” I said. He shook his head.
“I worry about you Zeph.” He said, sitting closer and putting his arm around me. “You stay up all night, you drink too much coffee and I don’t think I’ve seen you not tired for the past 8 months. What’s up?” He asked. I frowned.
“I’m fine. Just, please Ray, drop it.” I said. He hesitantly nodded, patting my knee twice before nodding again.
“I’m alright. Should be doing schoolwork I guess and seeing more of Jessica but I don’t know, she’s been acting weird lately.” He said, picking up some grass and ripping it in his hands.
“What do you mean?” I asked, frowning in confusion.
“She’s not talking to me as much, she seems, I don’t know, a lot more frigid than what she used to be. If you get what I mean?” He asked. I nodded, setting my coffee down and wrapping my arms around his shoulders.
“Talk to her.” I said. “Just talk to her.”
I felt him nod on my shoulder and I smiled slightly. As we broke apart I saw him look up at the sky, as the clouds cleared even more and the midday sun began to shine in our faces, warming us up.
“Let’s go for a walk.” He said, standing up and brushing himself off before putting out his hand for me to grasp on to, and he helped pull me up too. I nodded, picking up my thermos and leaving it just behind the tree, noting to myself to pick it up before I went home.
I put my hands in my pockets, looking around and flicking my hair out of my face. I stopped looking around suddenly, feeling someone watching me and looked up at Ray, who was indeed staring at me.
“What?” I asked, furring my brows at him. He shook his head, closing his eyes and sighing. I asked again, and he looked up, avoiding my gaze and pretending to be fascinated by the small children playing on the equipment nearby as families came out for their Sunday picnics.
“Nothing.” He said, putting his hands in his own pockets. “Nothing at all.” He repeated, turning and giving me what he thought was a convincing smile, knowing well that I wasn’t going to let it go anytime soon. I decided to drop it for now, giving myself another note to talk to him later when he had less on his mind.
“School tomorrow.” He said, breaking the silence and forcing me to groan slightly as we made our way onto the playground, bark pieces crunching beneath our feet and children screaming everywhere.
“We could always jig.” I said, smiling softly. He laughed half heartedly and shook his head.
“At the school we go to? Give me a break hun.” I nodded, smiling again.
Toro and I went to a catholic school, the type that forced you to never dye your hair and to look proper and have your fucking back straight so you looked proud of your school and showed your crest with pride. My ass I was proud.
“Have you started the English assignment?” I asked. He shook his head, leading us back onto the grass and we head out toward the large field where a football game was in place. “I kind of have, I don’t know if it’s good or not. I don’t think I quite like it.” He smiled, putting his arm around me and kissing my head, making me smile.
“It’ll be great.”
“Yeah I hope so, or I just might have to kill someone.” I said. He grinned, stepping away. I raised my eyebrow at him, grinning as well and pretending to come after him with a knife. He laughed and ran, racing past the cheering mums and families of the football players and making his way behind the toilet block where he knew I’d never go because of the ridiculous amount of spiders we’d previously found lurking there.
“I’ll get you. You’ll see.” I said, throwing him a smug look and walking off.
“Hey! Wait!” He said, laughing and running to catch up with my quickened pace. I poked my tongue out at him and folded my arms.
“Bitch.” He mumbled.
“Excuse me?” I asked, pretending to be shocked and pushing his shoulders.
“I’ll take you on any day, fucker.” I said, putting up my fists. He laughed again, ruffling my hair and pushing down my hands gently.
“Don’t hurt yourself, Zeph.” I pouted and crossed my arms again, walking faster again.
“Aww, I love you!” He cried out, running up behind me and almost tackling me in a hug. I giggled, turning around and covering his eyes.
“I love you too, Raymond.” He grinned and pretended to try and bite my hand, making me laugh and copping us some dirty looks from some of the footballer’s mothers who were standing by and watching.
This was my best friend, the one who kept me alive and the only reason I came to school everyday. But even he, didn’t know my list of reasons. He didn’t need to know my list of reasons, because to be completely honest, I doubt even he, would understand.

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