Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Words of Power

Chapter 02: Dreams

by LiveLoveLaugh 0 reviews

Our main character finds she has an intruder in her home, and he has news.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2008-07-30 - Updated: 2008-07-30 - 581 words

Chapter 02: Dreams

"Dee," the voice of my best friend called out through the house. "Dee get your ass down here! I've got news!"

I rolled my eyes and put down the camera lens I had been cleaning. He was probably going to tell me about this 'wicked new band' he had seen without me the previous night. It's not my fault I'm a working girl!

Once I got downstairs I found him bouncing on his toes. The second he saw me he ran at me to pick me up in a hug and promptly began spinning. When I shrieked he only laughed in response.

"Frank," I yelped out, "If you don't put me down now, you won't know what hit you!"

Frank placed me back down on my own two feet. "I was getting dizzy anyway," he told me with a grin.

Liar, he only wanted to scare the crap out of me. He was more than likely used to all the spinning thanks to his wild antics on stage. I on the other hand had my hands on his shoulders so that I wouldn't fall over.

"What's the news,"I asked bringing his ADD-self back to the reason why he had barged into my home.

I swear his grin grew as he thought about it. "Remember that band we met a while back, My Chemical Romance?"

I raised an eyebrow. Of course I remembered. He used to listen to their demo when pumping up for a show when he stilled played for Pencey Prep. In fact, he still insists on listening to it when we're in the car.

At my nod he continued. "Well I ran into Gerard, their lead singer, we got to talking...Dude, I'm joining one of my favorite bands! We're recording with Eyeball Records in a few days!"

"Oh my God, Frankie," I yelled in excitement and wrapped him in a hug again.

I only ever called him 'Frankie' when: 1. I was excited; 2. when I wanted to bug him; or, 3. when the guys weren't around. This was a definite reason for excitement. What he had said was true, My Chemical Romance was one of his favorite local bands to go out and see or listen to. Plus, Frank was never happy unless he had some sort of music project on the go.

"How the Hell are you guys gonna get everything together in just a few days," I asked as I pulled away from the embrace and dragged him into the kitchen. This called for a celebratory drink.

I took two beers out of the fridge as he shrugged. "I'll do as much as I can. I know a lot of their stuff already. I'll make it up as I go along."

I shook my head and opened my beer with the hem of my shirt after handing him one.

"To My Chemical Romance," I said and held up the bottle. "May they go places the rest of us can only dream of."

Frank smiled as our bottle clinked. After a healthy gulp or two he said back, "Dorothy, you'll never have to dream. We'll need a photographer to document our tours."

I smiled back. He only ever called me by my full name when he was being serious. He knew that traveling with bands like that is my dream job. To be able to do so with my best friend would be the closest thing to heaven I'd ever see.

"We'll see, man, we'll see."
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