Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Victoria's Secret

Chapter 1

by XxBrokenSoulxX 0 reviews

Time to get these boys out of the house.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-07-30 - Updated: 2008-07-31 - 702 words

I walked into Gee's house to find my 3 best friend staring at the TV like zombies

"Yo! What's up?" I said

Gee jumped
"OH! Hey Tor!" He said

Before I continue any further I should introduce myself.

Im Victoria Lynn Raven Hillman. Im seventeen. Most people sterotype me as Gothic because of my attire. My usual attire is tirpp pants from hottopic with chains and band tees. Black eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. I have short black hair that goes to my shoulders and the back is razor cut so that I can spike it in the back. I have pale skin. My only friends are Gerard, Mikey, and Frankie. Gerard is like my brother. He's really protective of me. He would let any guy get away with hurting me.

"Is this what you guy are going to do for the rest of the week before we go back to that prison?" I asked

They exchanged glances and shrugged

"what else are we to do Tor?" Gee asked
"How about we go to the mall?" I asked
"But Tor, we don't have any money." Mikey said
"Correction!" I said "You three don't have any money, I have my credit card!"

My Dad and Mon are rich! They work out of town/state, So I'm mostly home alone.

"Come one. Let go, I'll buy you guys some clothes from HotTopic.: I said
"Tor! What would we do without you?" Gee asked
"Probably sit in front of the Tv looking like zombies for the rest of you lives." I said
"Hey Tori! Can you redye my hair?" Frank asked
"sure!" I said

We headed outside to my black sunfire.

"Short gun!" Frank yelled
"Not if you want you face derived into the pavement!" Gee said

I giggled. I knew he was only joking.

"Frank... You know Gee always gets shot gun."I replied.


We finally pulled up to the mall. I parked and we headed inside.

"Hey Guys, I'll meet you later at HotTopic in about an hour. i got to go somewhere alone real quick.' I said
"Alright Tor." Gee said giving me a peck on the cheek.

They headed off towards the the Video Game Store and I went the opposite direction. I walked into the Victoria's Secret. I was only in there 20 minutes when Frank walked up behind me.

"I know Victoria's Secret!" he whispered in my ear.

I jumped and grabbed my chest.

"Frank Anthony! Don't do that you scared the crap outta me!" I said

He smiled his cute little smile when he was up to no good. I secretly liked Frank, but I knew Gee would flip if he knew.

"So this is where you went."Frank said smartly
"Yeah." I replied"I didn't tell ya cause I knew Gee would think I was losing my mind. To tell ya the truth I just love corsets and matching tongs with fishnet stockings" I replied picking up a black and pink one.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Frank with him imagination face on.I ignored him and went to pay. I came back over and he was still in a daze> I had to say his name a couple times before I got him to respond. We walked out of the store and walked toward HotTopic and found Gee and Mikey standing outside. I walked up to Gee holding the bag from V.S. proudly. I knew I had to tell him sometime.

"Tor! I never knew you shoped at Victoria's!" He said


We went back to my house since My parents were out of town. We decided to watch The Grudge. It was Me and Frankie on the couch and Gee and Mikey laying on the floor. It got to the part where the first girl gets killed and I jumped and grabbed Frankie. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him smile. He put his arm around me. Every time someone died I would bury my face in Frankie's side. I loved his sent. He smelled like cigarette smoke and Axe. I know I'm weird. Eventually I ended up falling alseep right on the couch cuddled up with Frank.
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