Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Those Nights We Say Goodbye


by panda_1418 3 reviews

Based on two of my favourite songs by Skillet, "Those Nights" and "Say Goodbye". Julius wakes up from a coma and finds things have changed.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-08-01 - Updated: 2008-08-02 - 1104 words

>> Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean
>> 13:24

Delilah sat in the main area of the jet, looking down at her communicator as Al's face appeared. A smile twitched at the corners of her mouth. "It's about time, boss. You usually brief us before we leave for a mission."

Al shrugged. "Sorry about that, kiddo. I had, like, an emergency." He subtly slid a tub of ice cream on his desk out of view.

"Right, Al. So what are we up against?"

"A kidnapping, man. The Con Man has struck again. He's, like, planning on launching a missile at New York City, and to make sure no one, like, messes with his mojo, he's kidnapped the Duke of Kent's great niece, Molly Worsley. Your mission is to get Molly back and, like, stop the annihilation of a whole bunch of innocent people."

"Thanks for the head's up, Al. I'll tell Julius."

Al smirked. "One more thing, kiddo. Don't be too bummed out, 'cause the GIB's probably gonna take credit for this thing. You know, Royal blessings and all that jazz."

The screen went black, and Delilah stood to her feet. Halfway to the cockpit, the plane hit a pocket of turbulence, sending her stumbling forward. Frowning, she strode inside the cockpit, holding her sore wrist.

Julius looked up from the pilot's seat. "Do we know what we're doing yet?"

"Yep, saving a Duke's kidnapped niece from the Con Man." Her communicator beeped. "Al just sent us a picture of her."

She took the device off her arm and dangled it in front of her partner. Molly Worsley was a few years older than they were, probably around 21, with long, curly brown hair. Her eyes were a dazzling shade of blue, and she wasn't sporting the typical British teeth. Must have a good dental plan, Delilah thought grudgingly. To top off her perfect appearance, she had a cute little mole above her lips.

Julius grinned. "She looks like my type."

Ignoring his comment, Delilah yanked her communicator out of his face. "We're landing on a private airfield just outside of London. And try to stay focussed."

Her partner's grin widened. "I always do."


>> London, England
>> 17:46

Molly Worsley, great niece to the Duke of Kent, was not happy. Almost 24 hours ago, she had been snatched from her home in the middle of the night, tossed rather rudely into the trunk of a car - not that there was a polite way of tossing someone into the trunk of a car - and then tied to a chair and forced to listen to the ramblings of a faceless villain. She flicked her hair out of her eyes, huffing.

"It would be very decent of you to untie me."

The man in front of her didn't move. He was dressed in a long, dark trench-coat with a hat, and a mask covering his face. Hunched over a giant keyboard, his fingers stretched out, pressing in some manner of complicated code.

Molly raised her voice. "I said, it would be very decent of you to untie me!"

Her captor's body tensed, and he turned around. From where she was sitting, his eyes were blazing.

"And it would be very decent of you, Miss Worsley, to be quiet!"

Molly hid her smile, knowing that she was getting to him. "I'm sorry, am I distracting you from ... what is it that you're doing?"

Con Man whirled around, taking two large strides towards her. He reached out and caught her face in his hand. "I am about to destroy the city that caused all of my pain!"

Even though her mouth was squished, Molly managed to sneer, "Bad childhood memories?"

He violently shoved her face to the side, clenching his fists. "It was New York City where my life of crime began! All because I was barred from entering--" His eyes narrowed to slits. "Why, you cunning little ..."

Molly tried to shrink away as Con Man raised his hand, preparing to strike her. Just as he was about to bring down his fists, someone reached out and caught him by the wrist.

"Didn't your mother teach you it's not polite to hit a lady?"

Julius jumped back quickly as Con Man took a swing at him. From behind, Delilah hit the kidnapper with a sucker punch. The heavy-built man fell forward onto the floor, apparently out cold.

Molly felt the heat rush to her face as Julius reached down and untied her. He helped her up, just like a gentleman, holding on to her hand a little longer than a modest man would. Meanwhile, Delilah tapped away at the keyboard, putting a halt to the impending missile launch. She turned around, her stomach twisting into a knot as she saw her partner and the Duke's great niece standing together.

"Thank you," Molly murmured, turning her eyes away.

"Anything for a pretty lady," Julius replied.

Delilah walked up behind the pair, coughing audibly. "Julius, if you're not too busy ..." She jerked her thumb over her shoulder.

Julius followed her indication, his eyes widening. "We're in trouble."

His partner frowned. "Why?"

"Our bad guy's trying to get out of his appointment."

Delilah spun around, catching a fleeting glimpse of Con Man as he dashed out the door. She immediately gave chase.

Molly looked confused. "His appointment? With whom?"

Julius grinned. "With justice!" With that, he raced after his partner.

As the team exited the building onto the street, they saw their nemesis diving in to a black, unmarked van. Pausing for a minute, Julius tried to remember which car MI6 had graciously lent them. His memory returned when his eyes found an old blue truck. He and Delilah raced for the ancient truck.

"This thing's never going to catch him," Delilah grumbled.

"Oh, ye of little faith." Julius' smile faded as he tried to start the vehicle, only to have the engine sputter and die. "Come on, baby ..." Turning the key again, the same sound came out of the truck. He laughed half-heartedly. "Third time's a charm ..." With a touch more force, he turned the key again. The engine made an unhealthy sound, but then roared to life. "Ha-ha! Here we go!"

The truck lurched forward. Delilah glanced at her partner, and then buckled her seat belt.

"Don't you trust my driving skills?" he joked.

"Oh, I trust you. Just not the truck." Her eyes returned to the road. "Julius, take that left!"

He slammed on the breaks, attempting to back up.

Something smashed into the driver's side of the old truck.

The last thing Julius heard before everything went black was Delilah screaming his name.
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