Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Why Can't Life Be Simple?

Chapter 10 - Time To Come Home

by Medusa 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-08-04 - Updated: 2008-08-04 - 2196 words

Frank’s P.O.V

Opening the front door to Opals, I opened my mouth to call out that I was back but was greeted by Anna, Gerard and Mikey sitting on the stairs with expectant looks on there faces. Closing the door slowly behind me, praying that they weren’t going to quiz me, I just wanted to go to bed and lay in the dark thinking about what had just happened.

“You alright, Frank?” Mikey asked, as I hung my hoodie on a hook

“I’m fine thanks, Mikey” I stated simply, holding onto the hoodie willing myself not to cry

“You sure?” Anna asked, standing closer to me

I looked round at her slowly, gauging the reaction on her face more than anything trying to concentrate so that I didn’t give away how crappy I was feeling. Closing my eyes briefly, opening them again to looking down at my feet, breathing deeply before answering that question.

“I’m fine. I just want to go to bed” I whispered not looking up at her

“Okay” Anna said touching my shoulder “Come on guys, I’ll make some pizza from scratch” She said squeezing my shoulder to reassure me

I waited until I could hear Anna sliding the kitchen door closed to move away from the coat rack and up the stair to the empty bedroom that once belong to Amelia, to wallow in my own self pity. Opening the door, I again left the light off not wanting to see Amelia’s photographic face looking back at me. Pulling off the t-shirt that I’d been wearing both times to see Amelia, I could smell the perfume she wore faintly on it as I flung it on the floor, dropping my jeans at my feet and falling onto the bed face first.

Using what little physical strength that I had left to pull the cover over my shivering body, realising the window was open but not caring enough to get up and close it. Pulling the covers over my head and wrapping my arms around my stomach.

Thinking about Amelia made me want to cry and puke at the same time, she was pregnant with my baby – a baby she’d kept secret for seven months and she’d never even hinted at the fact that she was pregnant. To think I was laying her just last night cursing the guy she was pregnant with for leaving her.

A slow rhythmic knock at the door made me open my eyes into the dark, making a sound that let the person know to come in.

“I’m sorry Frank but I couldn’t sit down stairs knowing you’re up here all alone” Anna said her words rushing out in one breath “I left the guys down stairs with the pizza and wanted to speak with you”

“Okay” I whispered into the still dark room, looking at her

Sitting up in the bed that wasn’t mine and pulling the cover with me making space at the bottom of the bed for Anna to sit down. Before Anna sat down she put on the bedside light so that she could see me better.

“I know you were trying to hold it together in front of the guys” She mentioned crossing her legs and leaning against the bottom of the bed

“I just didn’t want sympathy for what I did, Anna. Especially from her brothers”

“What you did was understandable” Anna shrugged “It’s just been a long time coming”

“I didn’t shout at her this time” I smiled slightly gripping the covers tightly

“I know she told me. I just wished you’d said something”

“I wanted some time to think without saying something I’ll regret” I explained, catching sight of a picture just over Anna’s shoulder of Amelia when she was five years old

“I’m sure you didn’t but that didn’t help Am”

“I seen the look in her eyes, Anna, I know how disappointed she looked when I didn’t exactly seem trilled when I found out” I said a little loudly before lowering my voice “She’s probably over at her apartment crying right now and I want nothing more than to go over there and hold her but I just can’t show her affection when it suits me. I need to fix this out in my own head before speaking to her again”

“She didn’t tell you for this sole purpose. She didn’t want you to see her differently or have to change your feelings about her to suit the situation”

“As what Anna, just the daddy or the boyfriend, husband whatever”

“She didn’t give you the choice Frank, that was the bad part but please don’t hold that against her. She did what she thought was right at the time”

“Does she still think it’s the right decision?”

“No, she denies it to herself but she love you Frank, she just doesn’t want your rejection to be the reason she doesn’t love her baby because of the resentment she has for you” Anna pointed at me emphasising the point

I stared at her for the longest moment, letting the emotion from finding this out seep over me and warm my cold body, even the slightest incline that Amelia loved me back made my heart race a little faster.

“I love her, Anna” I told her, looking straight at her and breathing out slowly

“I know you do” Anna smiled, leaning forward slightly

“I think I’ve always known that I love her but never really admitted it to myself until what happened…happened” I gestured

“I know” Anna repeated beaming at me

“Ever since the day I met her” I smiled faintly looking back at the picture of Amelia as a kid


A much younger Amelia was cowering in a corner while a taller boy stood over her with a snail waving it in her face. Amelia was crying and trying to bat his hand away without touching the snail.

“Leave me alone, Chris” She whimpered

“Ha, you’re such a wimp Amelia” The boy laughed waving the snail more frantically

“Hey Chris, leave her alone” A voice said from behind him

“Go away, Frank” Chris mumbled looking down at her

“Leave her alone now” The boy now none as Frank threatened

“What you going to do if I don’t?” Chris hissed at him

“I’m going to tell” Frank stated putting his hand out to help Amelia up

“No, you wouldn’t” Before Franks hand could touch Amelia, Chris had pushed him into the mud
Amelia emitted a loud scream as Chris kicked mud in Franks face making both of them look at her and cover their ears. Seconds later a teacher had arrived to pull Chris away to the principal.

“Thank you” Frank whispered to Amelia as he sat down next to her slightly covered in mud

“Thank you” She whispered back hugging him tight

End Flashback

“Wow” Anna’s sigh bounced around the room “Kinder garden? The day we all meet”

“I’ve dreamt about it so many times since Gerard made me realise just how much I do love her. Where I would drive over to the house and tell her that I loved her and I wanted us to be together but now I don’t want her to think I’ve just recently changed my mind towards her because of the baby”

“I’m sure, she won’t think that Frank. She’s loved you for so long wither she wanted to admit it to herself or not”

“I’m going back over there tomorrow, I’m just going to explain everything and then let her decide wither she wants us to be together or not”

“That sounds like a good idea, Frank” Anna smiled reassuring me

“I’m just hoping it’s good enough to make her want to be with me” I whispered

“I’m positive it will be” Anna whispered back swinging her legs off the bed and getting up

“I’ll let you get some sleep, Frank” She smiled

“Thanks for talking to me Anna” I smiled faintly sliding down into the bed pulling the covers back over my body

“Night Frankie” She said tucking the covers under my body a little and ruffling my hair

“Night Anna” I yawned settling into the bed feeling my heavy eyelids slide shut, feeling like I could sleep for days with all the emotions I’d been through in one day. With Amelia still playing heavily on my mind, I slipped into a dreamless restful sleep.

Anna’s P.O.V

After speaking with Frank, I thought I’d head to bed myself hoping Gerard was still downstairs so I could lie in bed by myself for a while and worry about my best friend. Amelia had been through a lot of the last couple of months with her job demanding more, the pressure of keeping a secret so huge it could ruin a lot of things and the stress of the prospect of raising a kid along.

I was just glad I had Gerard in this sort of situation because I could talk to him about my problems and get help with them from him. Especially if I ever became pregnant we would both be able to deal with it instead of my going it alone like Amelia. Being her best friend an all I still don’t understand how she could have went through with this without telling Frank or even contemplating trying to run away from the problem by moving to Canada.

Changing out of my clothes and into some comfortable warm pyjamas I grabbed a book I’d been trying to read for the last two nights out of my overnight back Id brought back from Amelia’s and slide under the thick duvet cover snuggling down into the warm downy pillows and opened the book at the chapter I had put the book down at after hearing Amelia whimpering in her sleep about Frank, I comforted her for a while as she cried without waking and wondering how often this happened to her.

After reading a few words I could hear male voices in the hall along with a softer women’s voice all saying goodnight to each other and minutes later two doors closing along with a lot of rustling around from behind the doors. As I’d left the door open a small crack I could distinguish who had come upstairs and who hadn’t which meant Gerard was still downstairs probably working on his latest sketch or writing song lyrics.

Putting the book down on the bedside table, I climbed out of the bed and padded across the room really wanting to speak to Gerard instead of being along with my thoughts. Making my way downstairs silently as not to alert Gerard I was coming down in the first place was harder said than done when the house was particularly old.

Walking into the living room I could see the mess that the guys had made throughout the day and how they had the in ability to tidy any of their mess, much like children would. The kitchen is where I would find Gerard with a cup of coffee and a pencil in hand without fail it had been where I would found him every night since we got here.

As I stepped onto the cold tile of the kitchen sending shock waves up my legs, making me shiver slightly and my arms to wrap around my mid drift . Rounding the corner to the kitchenette a puzzled look crossed my face and made me frown, Gerard wasn’t there. He hadn’t came upstairs and wasn’t in the living room. Where was he?

“He’s gone to see Amelia” Opal said straight behind me, making me jump and let out a small yelp

“Jesus Christ, Opal” I sighed the fright more of an annoyance because she’d managed to sneak up on me

“Sorry” She smirked, crossing in front of me to the sink

“When did he go to see Amelia?” I asked following her, getting a glass on my way

“Right after you went up to speak to Frank” Opal shrugged

“He promised her, he’d wait until tomorrow to go and see her”

“He was worried about her being all alone and pregnant” Opal explained, turning on the tap continuing to be turned away from me

“Do you know when he’ll be back?” I asked wanting to go back to bed now

“He didn’t say” Opal said, pushing her long white hair back from the side of her face

“Okay, I’ll just wait upstairs for him” I said moving backwards out of the kitchen “Goodnight Opal” I said to her

Sighing to myself as I went back upstairs back to the room I share with Gerard. Climbing into the chilled bed, snuggled down waiting for Gerard to return from Amelia’s.
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