Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Why Can't Life Be Simple?

Chapter 11 - Crazy Love

by Medusa 3 reviews

Amelia crys, Gerard Soothes

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-10-09 - Updated: 2008-10-10 - 1495 words

Amelia’s P.O.V

Lying on my side staring out the window as cars passed below, casting long shadows across the room. Leaning up to plump my pillow and try to make myself more comfortable with the bump in front of me. I was finding it hard to fall asleep with Frank still playing on my mind, sighing loudly, turning over to face away from the window and placing a loving hand across my bump.

A soft tapping on my bedroom door made me turn my tired eyes towards it and sigh loudly, I knew Anna would come over when I told her not to. Making a noise that made the person on the other side took as a welcome sign to open the door and come in. Gazing lazily at whoever was in the doorway, noticing the outline was anything but feminine.

Cocking my eyebrow at him as he stood in the doorway just looking at me as I stared back at him and wondering why he was visiting me in the middle of the night.

“Gee” I whispered into the room thinking I was having some weird hallucination

“Hey” He smiled, flicking the light switch on illuminating the room and me

“What are you doing here?” I asked squinting at him from the sudden burst of light into the room

“Nice to see you to little sis” He smiled, moving into the room

“I said that I wanted to be alone tonight” I answered ignoring his remark

“You know that’s not true” Gerard sighed moving into the room and leaning against the bed post

“How is he?” I sighed pulling the cover further across my body suddenly feeling cold

“Not good I think, he just came into the house and went straight upstairs. Anna spoke to him but I left to come here before she came back down stairs”

“I just want to find out what’s going to happen between us” I whispered sitting up against my pillows

“Is he coming back to see you tomorrow?” Gerard asked folding his arms

“Yes, I’m scared of what he’s going to say” I remarked twisting my fingers and staring at my hands

“He’s coming back tomorrow though isn’t he?”

“He is but I’m not sure when yet?” I sighed, my hands finally resting on my stomach

“Everything will be okay, Am’s” Gerard said taking my hands in his as he knelt in front of me

“He just sat there silently, Gee, not a word”

“He’s just as scared as you are, Am. You’ve known about this baby for seven months, he’s going to need some time to get use to the idea”

“Was that I told you so?” I asked looking at him

“No, not a huge one” He smiled kissing my hands

“I miss him Gerard just being able to hang out and talk like we use to” I sighed moving backwards onto the bed making myself more comfortable

“I know you do Amelia but as I’ve been saying all along that you should have told him”

Looking up a Gerard as he made himself more comfortable on the bed beside me and raising my eyebrow.

“Do you seriously wanting to do this now?” I asked, staring at him

“No I’m sorry Am’s I didn’t mean that” He mumbled pulling a discarded pillow across his stomach

“It’s hard you know being here on my own” I mumbled back

“Why don’t you move back to Jersey?”

“Because I have this amazing job here and there’s nothing like it in Jersey” I moaned softly

“Could you not come on tour with us for a while?” Gerard smiled, folding his fingers around mine

“I’m going to have a screaming kid. I doubt you want that on tour” I smiled holding his hands

“My sister and my nephew/niece with us for a few months sounds like an awesome idea” He laughed

“Are you serious?” I sighed looking him dead in the eye

“Let me sort things out with our management and I’ll see what I can do”

“What about Anna?” I asked suddenly remembering my best friend

“She’s quit her job” Gerard frowned looking at me “She didn’t say?”

“No, she told me she had a few extra days off” I frowned with him

“She probably though you had enough on your plate with Frank and everything”

“Why would she have quit when she’s been making such great money?”

“She’s got a better job offer with us”

“What do you mean?” I asked sitting up a little straighter

“She’s recording our next record, she applied for a job at reprise and got it” He smiled,
knowing he’d get to spend more time with her

“That’s awesome” I smiled cuddling a pillow close to my chest letting a small tear slide down my cheek

“Awww…don’t cry hunny” Gerard whispered wrapping his arms around me without me realising that he had moved

“I don’t know why I’m crying” I confessed as he rubbed my back

“You’re crying for everything, sweetheart” He soothed whispering to me

“I just don’t want him to leave before we speak properly”

“He not going to leave silly”

“He’s going to tell me that he doesn’t love me and never wants to see me again” I cried harder

“He’s not going to be such a jerk, Am’s. Even if he doesn’t love you he’ll still be around
for the kid” Gerard whispered hugging me as tight as possible

“Why wouldn’t he love me, Gee” I sobbed into his hair, gripping his shirt

“Awww…Shhh sweetheart he’ll love you” He smiled, rocking me back and forth on my brand new bed wishing I was back in Jersey in my old bed

Gerard’s P.O.V

I eventually got Amelia to sleep after speaking with her for ages about the baby and no matter what happened between her and Frank that the baby will be loved more than anything. Rocking her back and forth until she fell asleep in my arms murmuring about Frank and how much she loves him.

Placing her warm body back down onto the pillow, her smiling face relaxed for the first time in a long time. Pulling the blanket back over her body and tucking her in like she’d had a nightmare, kissing her forehead and sliding a piece of her hair behind her ear.

“He’s crazy if he doesn’t love you, Amelia” I whispered into the now silent room

Backing out of the room slowly trying not to make too much noise and wake Amelia from her dream, opening and closing the door silently quietly making my way to the front door the only sound being made was the that of the cars outside zooming past at this time of night.

Getting outside to the sidewalk looking around for any sign of life but the cold had driven everyone indoors either to their own homes or the number of cafes and bars lining the sidewalk. Sliding a cigarette out of my pocket and lifting it to my lips to light taking a long draw and breathing out slowly the tip glowing in the cold air.

Walking really fast to the car braising my body against the bitter wind that blew past winding its way around my body making me suck in a deep breath. Dropping my cigarette into the gravel pathway where I had parked the car and opening the door so I could slide behind the wheel, quickly looking up at Amelia’s apartment window smiling as I put the key in the ignition and turning it on.

Parking in front of Opals and dragging my hands across my weary face and threw my greasy hair before sighing loudly the exhaustion setting in taking a firm grip of my motor skills. Opening the door and making sure not to slam it so that no one woke up inside the house.

Slipping into the house silently and hanging my hoodie on the peg next to Anna’s pink hoodie, kicking my shoes off and sighing again at the exhausting falling over me, I’ve not been this tired in months. Climbing up the stairs to the bedroom I share with Anna and opened the door slowly, watching her sleep for a few minutes before closing the door behind me and stripping off my clothes.

Pushing back the covers and sliding my exhausted body in beside Anna and cuddling into her warmth kissing the back of her neck. Anna murmured in her sleep moving back into my embrace and sighing softly.

Closing my eyes slowly and relaxing into the bed with a loud sigh sleep finally taking over my body slipping me into a dreamless sleep.
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