Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Don't Toy With Me


by lyssaleigh 0 reviews

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-02-20 - Updated: 2008-08-06 - 786 words

“Hey girlies!” Lyssa told her friends as she pulled up in front of Kayla’s house with Lexi in tow. The girls were actually staying the night here then getting up super early to drive in the morning. “Ok I need to sleep if I’m going to drive six hours tomorrow. No staying up for 32 hours shit.” She laughed recalling the last time they saw their boyfriends.
“Ha ha, I remember that.” Commented Amanda who had fell asleep on her then.
“But we have to do our walk.” Kay reminded her. Lys half-agreed, she was busy concentrating on packing up the car.
“We all packed and ready?” Dawn, Kayla’s mom answered.
“Almost. Just waiting for your daughter’s things.” Lys replied and Kay rushed inside to gather her clothes.
“What should I wear to the concert?” she consulted her friends. They agreed on a pink, yes pink, halter top with nice jeans.
“Jon is going to flip when he sees you.” Lexi commented as Kayla model the final outfit.
“He will.” Agreed Lys. “Now pack that thing and let’s get a move on it!” she finished. We laid on the floor, with the exception of Amanda who stole the couch, and got ready for bed.
“I can’t believe we’ll see our men in less than 24 hours.” Lexi cooed. But no one really was paying attention to her. Lys had fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Amanda was soon to follow. Now it just left Kay and Lexi.
“Want to go on that walk?” Kayla asked. She’d forgive Lys this one time that she didn’t go on it with her.
“Yea sure,” Lexi grabbed her coat and followed Kay out the front door. “I wonder if the guys are done with the show. “ No sooner did that escape her lips did Kay’s text message ringer go off.
“Yea,” she laughed as she answered Jon’s question. “He asked if I was up and I told him that you and I were taking a walk.” No later did she say did Lexi’s phone go off.
“Hey babe,” she answered. The girls finished their walk while talking on the phone with lovers. With promises of seeing the day after next they hung up when reaching Kay’s house again.
“That was fun but I’m tired.” Lexi said, as she reached for her pajamas out of her carry on.
“Yea it was. See you in the AM.” Kayla retreated to her favorite chair in the living room while Lexi changed and found a spot near Alyssa on the floor.

“Five more minutes,” whined Kayla. She had only been asleep for about a couple hours before Lys woke her up. It was six in the morning. She wanted to be on the road by seven.
“So go over the directions with me Sis.” She asked Lexi giving Kay her five more minutes. She started to speak but then couldn’t make out this one line.
“Turn slight left onto Liberty Way.” Lys said. All you heard from the living room…
“What? You’re a fucking gay?” And it was Kayla. Thankfully she was up. But that line kept her laughing for about fifteen minutes straight. By then Amanda was awake and dressed. The girls said goodbye to Dawn before climbing in Lys’s car. Kay and Amanda were in the backseat while Sis sat shotgun.
“Let’s listen to Panic!” and she reached in her bag for the cd. But Lys just hit the cd button on the radio and ‘Introduction’ blared through the speakers. “Nice Sis.”
“Should I call Brendon and tell him we’re on our way?” she asked.
“Don’t you think it’s kind of early?” Amanda retorted.
“Yea, I’ll wait till we get to Breezewood.” With that said they pulled out on to the road.
“I’m hungry.” Kay stated.
“You’re always hungry…we’ll stop once in Breezewood…just go back to sleep hun.” Lys explained her intentions. No sooner did they hit the turnpike was Kay out. Sis was dozing off but that’s ok. Lys knew they until they reached Philly, she just needed help around the city. Just then she heard her cell phone play ‘Accidently In Love’ by the Counting Crows. It was Brendon. She reached her for Bluetooth head set and stuck it on quickly.
“Hey babe.” She also turned down Panic. “We’re on the Turnpike…Yes in my little Honda Civic why?...Oh my is that you!?...Amazing…We’re stopping at Breezewood…I’ll see you there then…Love you!” She hung up the phone with a smile on her face.
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