Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Babysitter

Chapter 3......

by dtng101 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-08-06 - Updated: 2008-08-07 - 695 words

Normal Pov
Karina locked all the doors from the house.This house creeped her out big time every thing about it.The way the stairs creaked every time Mrs. and Mr. Way went down the stairs or anyone in general.The way the unpainted dirty dusty walls looked.It remind her of the 'Texas Chain Of Masscare'house,but of course not the meat market leather face had in a small room.
She put down the homework Mr. Day,her English teacher gave her,she placed it in the kitchen table.
That was the only modern room from the first floor.
She went upstairs to go and check in Bob.As slowly and queitly as she walked on the stairs the more they squeaked.It was like if a cat or a piece of chalk scrathched as she went up the stairs.
She finally got thru the noisey stairs,and looked how long the hallway was of the Way residence.She looked ahead in the hallway.It only had about three bedrooms,two bathrooms in the same hallway and finally a small table at the end of the hallway.With a clear vase with red flowers in it,and a phone on it also.
Her eyes were amazed all she had in her house was only onephone.This was also a reason why she voulentered for this job,so she could get her own phone with a seperate phone line.
She walked slowly thru the dark hall that awaited her almost like if it was alive.
She walked slowly thru the large dark hallway in search for a switch,that would give light to the dark hallway.She was at the end of the hallway,to be more exact where the small table with a vase and phone was.There it was the small white switch.She flicked it on,but there was no light coming out of the small lightbulb.
"Shit"She mumbeled to herself.
She went in search of Bob's room,to see if he was still awake.She checked the first one near the restroom,and there it was,Bob's room.She walked in as quietly as she possibly could,she walked so queit that you could hear a nail drop,if there was one.She saw Bob tucked in,with his mouth opened wide,and snoring.She similed to herself,the though of having a little kid sleeping mad her simile.Either though she berly met this kid,she alreay loved him like the brother she never had,but wished.
She looked thru his room.The walls were painted a light blue,with shining white cars at the ceiling that shined with light,in the darkness.It was an ordianry six year old bedroom.With toys surrounded around it,comics,books and of course a bed that he was sleeping on.She similed one more time as she exited the room.She closed the door quietly,and she quietly but quickly she tip-toed thru the hallway.She went downstarirs and decided to turn on the televesion.
"I wonder if 7th Heaven is still on"she flipped the channels and saw that it had just ended.
"oh,fuck,guess I'll just start my homework"she said as she went over to the kitchen and picked up her homework,and pulled a chair and sat there.She began to look over her homework.
"What a crack head,is he expecting us to finish all this shit load of papers"she cursed as she saw that there were six papers of English homework.
She mummbeled a few curse words as she got started on the homework.
She drooped her pencil,as her sixth sence came into her head.She heard slowly footsteps coming behing her.Who else was in the house it was only her and Bob.Plus Bob was already asleep,she just went to go and checked up on him about a minute ago.
She felt someone claw their nails in her back.
"AHHHHH"she screamed but didn't look back
"who can it be?"she though
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