Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Edge of Reason.

Rise and Shine!

by Kill-Your-Own-Chorus 0 reviews

After the fall, Mackie has a bit of a hard time defining reality from fantasy.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-08-07 - Updated: 2008-08-07 - 1350 words

Yo lames! Check This: It's chapter three! Be sure to review it like a MO-FO got it?! Two weeks until school starts again, Can you say "TOTAL BUMMER?!" Ugh, totally NOT for it. But whatever. I'm gonna rock my Junior Year, helllllz yeah.


Signing Out.


"Is she alright?" A faint voice muttered in Mackie's head.

"Yeah she'll be fine, she had a nasty fall though" Another voice spoke.

"Well it's a good thing we came, I'll stay with her you guys, you go check on the other one" Another voice said. Mackie faintly heard a bunch of footsteps head out a doorway.

Andy looked down at Mackie with a smile. She looked so peaceful, like as if she was sleeping or something. He turned over to a small pot of cold water that was placed on the desk next to the bed. A small rag floated inside of it and Andy pulled it out and twisted the excess water. He folded the rag hamburger style (yes, i still say it!) two times and placed it gently across Mackie's forehead. Mackie flinched a little but then when back to that sweet peaceful look of hers. Andy smiled even wider, he was glad that she was safe now. Mackie squirmed a bit as she slightly opened her eyes, just enough to see who it was that was sitting by her.

"Oh, it's only Andy" She thought in relief. Her eyes closed a bit until she realized what she just saw. Mackie shot straight up from the bed, her eyes grew wide with surprise.

"OH MY GOSH ANDY!" She yelled practically in his ear. Andy jumped three feet and leaned over to the far side of the bed, nursing his painfully ringing ears. Mackie quickly crawled over by him and started to apologize a lot.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! oh my gosh I'm sorry!" She cried out to him. Andy smiled at her. She was way too cute to get mad at. Besides, he needed to get his ears checked after playing so much. Mackie wanted to cry so bad (sensitive muffin!) she couldn't believe this was happening to her. Passing out in front them, not being able to serve them, and now making the drummer go deaf! Speaking of passing out, Mackie looked around the room. It was full of metal bands posters, photos, and a scent of axe mixed with Burberry Brit, definitely not her room.

" this?" she asked.

"Hm? Oh, my room? Yeah, not much to look at." Andy replied in a cool tone. He was right though, there wasn't much to look at. Mackie didn't care though, she was with ANDY HURLEY! she was in his room, on his bed, drooling in his pillows [lovely!], AND recieving medical attention from them! This was too unreal for her, as a matter of fact, it was unreal. Suddenly a beep went off....then another....then another....then another...

"Will she be okay?" A voice asked. Mackie looked around for the voice.

"What the hell?" She asked.

"How long will she be like this?" A lispy voice interrogated.

"It's unclear right now, she took quite a hard fall" Another voice spoke. Mackie put both hands to the sides of her head, it was pounding really hard.


"Alright. WAKE UP!" She heard a shrill voice yell. Mackie's eyes shot wide open and she let out a loud squeal. Toby was shaking the mattress up and down, trying to get Mackie out of her state of mind.

"Sttaaaaaaaawwwwppp!" Mackie whined.

"Well then wake the hell up next time! boob!" Toby yelled as she sat down on her bed. Mackie let out a aggravated growl and sunk into her pillows. She looked up at the crack in the ceiling and sighed. Thank god that she was home.

"I had the strangest dream Twiggy, I dreamed that Fall Out Boy was-" She suddenly heard a sneeze that didn't fit Toby's face, it was coming from next to her. She jerked her head to the side and saw Andy twiddling his fingers, Pete rubbing his hands, and Joe playing his DS. Patrick was outside on the phone. Mackie's eyes grew wide as Andy looked up at her and smiled.

"Hi, um, how are you feeling?" He asked. Mackie didn't answer though. She just calmly slid deeper into her bed and slowly pulled the blankets over her. She thought she was still in some weird coma state. Toby yanked the covers back and got closer to Mackie's face.

"You could at least say Thank You" Toby mentioned. Mackie turned her head slowly towards them. There they were, sitting before her was favorite band of all time. Patrick entered the room and smiled over at Mackie.

"Good to see you're awake" He greeted. Mackie felt the blood rush to her head and she squealed like a piglet. She slid back under the covers and giggled. Toby rolled her eyes.

"Sorry Guys," She apologized,"she does this often with people"
Just then Toby got up and began to beat down the huge lump in the blankets. Mackie let out a laugh and began to wriggle.

"T-Oby St-OP it!" Mackie laughed as the bed began to bounce up and down. Just then Mackie remembered that Fall Out Boy was in the room with her. She let out a cry and knocked Toby over. She shot up from the covers and began to apologize.

"I'msorry!I'msorry!I'mSOSOsorry!" She apologized really fast. Pete let out a laugh along with Patrick and Andy. Joe let out a swear.

"Fuck you level 12!" Joe yelled. Mackie stared at him blankly as the others shrugged him off. Pete winked at her.

"S'okay, Joe's a little high school nerd when it comes to video games" Pete explained. Mackie nodded and giggled a little. Toby slid off the bed and straightened out her shirt.

"I'm going back to the restaurant to close up," She announced as she headed for the door, "Babysit her until i get back."
All four boys raised an eyebrow as Toby left. Pete turned to face Mackie. She perked up and began to grow tense.

"Does...She usually dump you with strangers?" He asked. Mackie blushed and shook her head no. Andy smiled at her.

"There's no need to be nervous" He assured. Shiiit that just made her more nervous! She clenched onto the sheets tighter and took a deep breath. Just then a memory popped up into her mind.

"Oh! Did you guys eat yet?" Joe immediately perked up when the word 'eat' came out of her mouth. They all had been so worked up from the fiasco, they had forgotten all about their mission. All of them shook their heads, and Mackie sprung into action. There was NO WAY she was going to let Fall Out Boy starve!

"Well lets make you guys something!!" Mackie chirped as she shot out of bed. Just as she hopped out her feet got caught into the sheets. She let out a muffled cry as she tripped and fell over. Patrick let out a snicker as he went over and helped her up. She tensed up and blushed furiously. Pete giggled and shook his head.

"You're very klutzy aren't you?" Pete asked as they all exited her room. Mackie smiled lightly and sprung over to the kitchen. She rubbed her hands together and looked around for ingredients.

"Let's see, how about...grilled cheese for three, and.." She turned to Andy,"What would you
like?" Andy shrugged his shoulders.

"Anything veggie is fine" He answered with a smile.

ooooohh my god his smile is amazing!, Mackie thought. She really wanted to scream and jump up and down right now. She was actually making dinner for FALL OUT BOY! She quickly snapped back to reality and focused on what to make.
"How about sweet and sour tofu with rice?" She asked. Andy grinned and nodded.
"I'd like that"
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Those who do, shall recieve an Honorable Mention!
Peace out, Beezys. :D
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