Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Starting Over This Time On my Own

chapter 3

by Mrs_Stump221 1 review

figure it it

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2008-08-07 - Updated: 2008-08-08 - 937 words - Complete

A/n: Well now, tell me what you think, I worked very hard on these chapters and the more reviews i get the more chapters you get :) cool? Cool alright well here it is.

Love me always,

Chapter 3:

Rachel opened the door and Ryan smiled handing her a single rose and she smiled. “Thank you, come on in and meet my brother.” She said to him taking his hand in hers so she was practicly dragging him into the apartment.

“Micheal this is Ryan , Ryan this Micheal.”She introduced them.

“Nice to meet you.”Ryan said holding his hand out for him to shake, he took his hand and shook it.

“We'll be back probably about what, 10 or 11 right?” She asked Ryan and he nodded.

“Alright behave please.”I said to Micheal and he laughed.

“Your worried about me, phshh.”He said and she laughed.

“Call if you need anything.”She said as they walked out the door locking it behind her.

“Ready?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah, ready.”She said nervously.

“You alright?”He asked once they got into the car.

“Im fine just slightly nervous.”She said to him and he grabbed her hand.

“I wont hurt you, promise.”He said to her and she nodded.

He pulled out of the Parking lot and they drove to a nearby local resturant, they walked in hand in hand. He spoke to the hostess and she took them to a seat. Ryan sat in front of her and she smiled softly.

“This place is nice.”She said to him.

“Im not to big on the fancy resturants.” Ryan said grimacing.

“Me either, to expensive.” She muttered the last part, she ordered a taco salad. When their food arrived and she tasted it her eyes got wide.

“Whats wrong?”He asked.

“Its amazing.”She said to him ad gave him a fork full.

“Your right thats really good.”He said to her nodding. She looked at him, when he caught he watching him he smiled as sho looked away shyly. He put his hand over hers and she smiled at him then leaned across the table and softly pressed her lips to his. He kissed her back then she pulled away blushing a brighter red than she already was.

'Curse you pale skin.' She thought to herself.
They walked out of the resturant laughing hand in hand, Ryan stopped walking and she looked at him.

“Whats wrong?”She asked smiling.

“Nothing, just enjoying the veiw.”He said looking at her and she looked down and blushed slightly. He stepped closer to her and put a hand on her waist and kissed her softly like that night on the dance floor,this time she allowed him to deepen it and hold her closer. Her arms were around his neck and his hands were on her hips. ( She must be pretty short your thinking well she is....5”0 Ft).

“Ryan.” she whispered.

“Yes.” He said.

“Your everything I want and some thing I thought I could never have.” She siad laughing to her self and he pressed his lips to hers a bit more deeply than before , he pushed her against his car and he heard whistle and knew exactly who it was. Brendon. He pulled away and sighed.

“Sorry.”He said and she shrugged.

“Doesnt bother me.” She said and kissed him again.

“I should get you home...”He mummered into her neck.

“But its only....10:20..”She said smirking and he laughed.

“If I keep you any longer we'll do something we will regret.”He said to her and she laughed.

“True, But I wouldnt regret it, I don't regret anything.”She said to him her forehead on his and he helped her into the car. They pulled up to her apartments and he walked her to the door. “Goodnight.”She said to him and he pulled her close to him kissing her deeply.

“goodnight.”He said and she smiled.

“I'll call you tomorrow.”He said as she walked inside and she nodded shutting the door sliding down the door.

“Have fun?”Micheal asked noticing her slightly swollen lips and she laughed.

“Best time ever.”She said giggling like a teenie.

“Oh jeez.”Micheal said laughing.

“Im going to bed.”He said to her and she nodded.

“I think I will sit here for a few.”She said to him and his eyes got wide.

“Are you drunk?”He asked.

“No!”She laughed. “Well, not really, only drunk off his kisses.”She said giggling a bit.

Ryan sat in his car feeling slightly light headed maybe it was all the kissing made him loose his breath or something, but he knew it was because her kisses we so intoxicating that they were strong than any type of Acohol. His cell phone rang and he answred it.

“Hello?”He answered.

“I saw you with her! You were like BAM all up on her!” Brendon said and Ryan laughed as he started the car up and urged himself to drive off and not go back up to her apartment and hold her in his arms, but hey whats wrong with wanting to hold some one. He would have to get her out sometime again he knew if he didnt he would go mad.

“Ryan you there?”Brendon asked.

“Yeah, I m here.”He said in a soft voice.

“Dude, are you in love?”Brendon asked seirously.

“I don't know what it is but I like it.”He said to him laughing.

“Talk when we get home dude.”He said to his friend and hung up as he pulled onto the freeway.
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