Categories > Celebrities > Green Day > Kiss The Demons Out Of My Dreams

I Saw You, But I Didn't See You

by AshTheDeathBat 1 review

Billie and the guys do a gig at a bar and he stumbled upon someone...interesting. I'm no good at summaries.

Category: Green Day - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-08-07 - Updated: 2008-08-08 - 631 words

“Billie! Come on, you retard! You’ve slept till four!” Tré’s voice yelled as I felt him jumping on my bed.

“Get off my bed dipshit! I had a rough night last night.” I said into my pillow.

“More dreams about that chick?” He asked as he stopped jumping and sat down. “I bet you she’s a demon.”

“Yah think?” I sat up to meet his blue eyes.

He nodded viciously and grinned.

“Come on.” Mike walked into the room. “We’ve got a gig in two hours and we have to be there by five.”

“Okay, okay. I’m getting up. Get out of here so that I can get ready!” I got up and shoved them both out the door.

I walked into the bathroom and started at myself in the mirror.

My bright blue hair was sticking up all over my head. My teeth looked all fucked up. Honestly, I didn’t see what the fan chicks thought they saw in me.

“Billie! Hurry up! You take as long as a woman does to get ready!” Tré called from the other room.

“Okay! Shut the fuck up!” I yelled.

We set up everything and had a drink before we went one. Everyone’s attention was drawn to the stage when the manager introduced us. Some people came rushing up to the stage. Others just sat at their tables or whatever. During the whole set, I kept noticing a fight going on at the back of the bar.

“Alright! I’m Billie Joe Armstrong!” I said into the microphone. “That would be Mr. Mike Dirnt on the bass! And on the drums is none other than Tré Cool! This is our last song for the night!”

After we finished and packed up our stuff, I headed back to the bar and ordered a drink. I didn’t notice I was right by the fight I had been seeing on stage until…

“If you do not pay me back, I will come to your apartment and strangle you in your sleep.” A man said, his voice serious.

“Why does it matter that I didn’t pay you back? We’re dating for Christ’s sake!” The woman yelled.

“You need to pay me back.” He growled.

“I’m not going to pay you back!” She grumbled. “It wasn’t even that much money!”

“You will!” His voice was getting louder by the second.

“You are always like this. You drunk, selfish, ass! I can’t stand you anymore. It’s over between us. I mean it.”

I heard a sound that sent chills up and down my spine. It was the sound of skin hitting skin. I looked up to see the woman holding her face, looking away from the man. He raised his hand to strike again. I reached out and grabbed his wrist before he could do anything.

“You could touch her again.” I growled at him and I did my best to restrain him.

“And what if I do?” He turned to face me.

“I’ll make you wish that you hadn’t.”

“You won’t be able to stop me from getting her while she sleeps.”

“I’ll hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands.” I glared at him.

He didn’t say anything. As he growled to himself, he pushed pass the woman and out of the bar.

“Thank you, Billie Joe.” She said softly, still looking away, holding her face.

“How did you know my- “

“You said it on stage.” She cut me off.

“Oh.” I sighed.

“See you around.” She said quietly as she walked away.

“See you.” I said.

As she walked out, I noticed her hair was the same black-blue as the chick from my dreams.
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